Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Itako 2nd Graduation

March 10, 2009 -

Freshly pressed uniforms, flowers all in place, a combination of tears and smiles - the day begins.

Happiness, sadness, nervousness - it's all around. Old doors close while new ones open. I have never once experienced this day in my life. Yet, I have experienced this event several times in my life. Tradition is different in Japan and therefore the coming of a graduation day is as well. We have our traditional moments in the ceremony as do the Japanese - its just different.

Today is a day of reflection, as it always is on Graduation day. I look out into the sea of black heads and realize I fit in quite well. From head to toe the boys are dressed in their black uniforms and the girls in their navy blue. The teachers are in black head to toe and I too from head to toe, am wearing a black velvet jacket, the black dress I interviewed in for JET, black hose, and patent leather black shoes...I can't forget my pearl necklace. I have conformed. I have conformed to the ideals of the Japanese. However, I still have my own flair and individuality (that I refuse to give up, just simply tame down) and therefore can't say I have completely conformed. I chose to paint my nails red - rebel. In ways I fit in and in others I am simply different for obvious reasons. From behind, many will say I look Japanese. However, the moment I turn around I am immediately separated from that potential.

The hugs and the love that is being expressed to me today is unbelievable. It is amazing to realize how wanted you are. Having the girls hug me is typical but even the boys are hugging me. The salty tears are rolling down the beautiful faces of these children. They tell me they love me. and that they will never forget me. Tell me how that is not a tear jerker...I too began to shed some tears through the smile afixed upon my freckled face.

The pure fact and need of being wanted is a hope of all humans. Being the ONE foreigner in my school makes this really come alive. When you are mixed among the rest it is difficult to sometimes stand out amongst the rest. I have made an impact on these children's lives and I will honestly never forget this day. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining bright - and the first of many chapters of my life in Japan has come to a happy, hopeful end.

I am coming home to America next week and I certainly feel it is at an appropriate time in the year. It is the end of my first school year. I came in the middle of the year and its nice to be part of the end of this particular year. I am so glad I have chosen to stay another year. One year simply is not enough. I have invested so much time and effort into my relationships here that it would simply be a shame just to up and leave them here...

I leave you with this:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Attributed to Mark Twain, unconfirmed

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fitting IN: Another Amazing Japanese Week! =D

Well, my camera officially will NOT turn on :( I was able to get my most recent picture off my camera. Thank goodness for SD cards =D Below was my weekend last weekend March 1st. Please enjoy my pictures! It was another art filled weekend! Below is me and 3rd grade at Hinode Elementary school! I was teaching them about the parts of the body and taught them the oh-so-famous..."head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes"! It was so fun!! They loved it. We then did several really fast versions - we were all cracking up!
This is me with one of my 3rd grade classes! Aren't they adorable?! They are seriously so sweet and hug me until I practically fall over! They are wonderful and such little joys!
I held the camera as high up as I could. I told the students to look up and then I snapped the picture! I think it is hilarious seeing him with a sea of Japanese kids! I love them and they loooove me! I love the days I get to go to elementary school because the kids are sooo lively!
That night, I took it easy, ate some sushi, and chilled out because the next day I was meeting Annelyse in TOKYO! ~ What a surprise! Annelyse and I met up to go watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". I highly recommend this movie to everyone. It was absolultely fantastic! A real tear jerkier =D Below, Annelyse and I went to see the movie in Roppongi Hills. Below is a new art piece they are installing =D If you know Louis Bourgeois ~ They have her big spider statue :)
Self-portrait of Annelyse and I! I felt like taking some picture in black and white. I think it is fun and works well with her blond hair and brown eyes and my dark hair with dark eyes =D
After the movie and getting some lunch at Rigoletto's, we walked around Roppongi Hills. We were on an adventure to find Annelyse a jacket for spring! We were successful once we go to Ginza. We decided to stop at Cold Stone Creamery to get some ice cream ~ its expensive BUT OH-So-DELICIOUS!!! They even sang us a song! It cracked us up! It was nice enough to sit outside. I am liking that Spring is on its way!
I ordered coffee lovers ~ oishii!
After we ate ice cream, we were on our way to Ginza. I had found this cafe/restaurant online. It is an Alice and Wonderland themed cafe. I told Annelyse about it so we decided to go! It was fun =D The drink menu was HUGE! The food was so so...but the food at themed cafes is generally so so. You go for the experience. We enjoyed several appetizers and one cocktail and were off to do a bit of shopping!!
The drink menu =D + another HUGE one. You lifted the cards and it had a picture of the cocktail. It was over all just a fun little place to go to.
Everyone get to enjoy dried bananas and apricots ~ They were actually very good! We also did not change size like Alice did =D hee hee.
Annelyse eating a rose! It was in one of the salads we ordered.
Annelyse and I ~ Seriously, how cute are we?!
Miss Sassy Pants at the end of the hall =D In between are actually smaller rooms for people to dine in.
This is the bathroom door inside the bathroom :)
On our way out, this is an old clock at the receptionists counter :)
Annelyse and I then took a trip to H & M. She found a nice Spring jacket. I helped her pick it out! I think it suites her AND will be perfect for our trip to CHINA that we are taking together in May :) we will go for about 12 days! I am super excited!
There was a street performer and since I had my camera & it was still working, Annelyse threw the guy some change, he played a song for us, and motioned for Annelyse to get in the photo with him! It was just fun. Hee hee.
On our way to the next place we stopped in at the Alfred Dunhill bar to see if it was hoppin' or not. That was a big NOT. I think it was because it was still early in the evening. Annelyse took a picture of me with the cute little goldfish. We were then off to DAZZLE. DAZZLE was the place Kathryn and I went to for New Years EVE dinner/celebration. I wanted to take Annelyse to this bar/restaurant because of how glamorous it is and because her birthday was in 3 days!
Toshi, the bartender, was working when Kat and I went before. He is adorable! This is Annelyse and I in the bar part of the restaurant. I had the white pearl and she had the aroma =D great cocktails by Toshi!
We ordered this amazing desert and I told them that it was Annelyse's birthday and the next thing we know our dessert comes out with "Happy Birthday" written on the plate and 3 candles! The dessert was a pudding with ice cream and seasonal fruit! Great choice! It also had some sweet balsamic sauce to accompany it ~ fantastic!
Annelyse and I with the first of her "birthday" cakes!
"Happy Birthday Annelyse!!!"! It was then off to our respective towns to go to sleep because I had a big day the next day!
The next day, Sunday, John and I had to go to a day dedicated to English. It was an international exchange. The association asked me, along with the owner of Itako Hotel, to be the "MCs" of the program. They wanted me to be dressed as a Maiko ~ ha ha! I wore a kimono, had my hair all done up, along with makeup. It ended up being a fun day, just extremely tiring.
John and I playing around with my camera while we were waiting for the program to start!
...more playing! I have a color function on my camera and focused on one section of the kimono and hit the setting and then the orange is what is reflected int he photograph. It is a neat function.
Then it was on to the green tea!
My turn to play with taking pictures of John!
My obe belt ~ I thought it was tied beautifully! You can see one of my 3 hair pieces. They hurt my head big time! But it was fun to have long hair for the day!
...and still playing. We had lots of time on our hands before the program began at 1:30.
Me with a few of my really good English Students!! From Left to Right: Yuiko, ___, me, Haruku, & Kanon. Hey, I can't REMEMBER EVERYONE! These girls are from both Hinode and Itako 2nd! It was great that so many people came out to support this international day of English!
Here is John with a few of his adorable elementary school students!
There were many performers also. These are some of the Itako ladies performing a dance from the late EDO period. I was pushed into this line of ladies to do the dance. I will be joining them in the summer as I was asked to be the daughter of the Iris festival in my town in June. It was fun!
Mio, me, & Shiori ~ two of my adorable 3rd grade students at Itako 2nd! They will graduate tomorrow :( I will miss them!
Aki came to the international day too. I was avoiding flash pictures all day as they put white on my face :( I don't think this looks like me. Ha ha.
I have taken a picture with each of the 3rd grade classes. I made copies and am writing each of them personal messages as they have each touched my heart in some way. I told them that they really made the transition of moving to Japan so very easy for me. Their constant love, hellos and support has made moving to Japan so easy! They are great! I will greatly miss them. This is 3-3. A majority of them will go on to high school =D I am happy to hear that as after this year, they do not have to have another day of school in their lives. I think the percentage of students who go on is about 98%. They have taught me a lot and I them. They are so much fun to work with and we have a mutal love for one another. I will never forget them as they say they will not forget me. It is wonderful knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of these kids, its fun. I am extremely happy I am staying for atleast another year. The relationship we can have with the kids is a special one. I feel lucky to have been giving this opportunity =D I have now uploaded all the pictures possible from my camera. I will have to update my blog once I get to the states and take care of my camera. I will leave for America March 18th and be gone until April 3rd. Until next time...=D