Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey everyone!!

I know it has been FOREVER since I have updated my blog. This is due to a few things! I had an extremely busy summer vacation (I know you are thinking, Lauren, summer was over 2 months ago) but to be fair I really have not had the Internet access at my apartment! My Internet cut out at the end of August. I had a wonderful visit with my AMAZING family! They came to visit me here in Japan for 3 weeks and then their visit was followed by two of my best friends ALLIE & Mary Ellen coming to Japan to visit for 2 weeks!! This was ALL followed by a trip to Thailand as you know I already blogged about. Please be patient as I want to catch you all up to speed on my blog! I know that a TON has happened since I last wrote you! Two huge events being that I traveled to Kansai area of Japan. I went to Hiroshima, Miyajima, Kobe, Nara & Kyoto! I have many great stories to tell from that trip along with my 24th birthday party! Work is back in full swing and am loving every moment. I am off to Seoul, South Korea in 2 weeks to visit 3 friends! I will also be joining a new fellow southern girl JET living in Nara! All my adventures are going to be updated, captured, and have pictures ASAP!

My Internet was fixed last week after 5 weeks of NOTHING! That was very painful but I lived and managed and after all the pain and suffering of no Internet at home and a $250 phone power chord of 5 years decided to die! LIFE IS STILL WONDERFUL! I realized this is a small battle but a battle nonetheless. I am still genki (happy/fine) as ever and am off to Oktoberfest 2009 in Yokohama this weekend! I will be meeting with a former JET who I met once at an art show last spring. She was also suffering in the same ways as I in the fact that we don't get along with a lot of the people on our program. I am looking forward to see her and hanging out with her! Her name is Stephanie :)

I am back to Japanese class and to the gym! It feels great to be back on a "normal" schedule with my really fun weekends interspersed!

...LOTS more to come! PROMISE!!!

LOVE AND MISS YOU ALLL!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox

WHAT'S UP in the WORLD of LAUREN?!?!
My Birthday Dinner @ Salsita in Hiroo, TOKYO! September 26, 2009!

My Birthday Dinner in Itako @ Alice's House

Love in Miyajima!
Aki and I @ Port of Kobe! September 19, 2009!

Me @ Phi Phi Island, Phuket, Thailand - August 27, 2009!

Night Out in Tokyo with Mary Ellen & Allison! FERIA TOKYO in ROPPONGI!

My ADORABLE Family in JAPAN!!! Sawara, Chiba @ Kittei Restaurant

1 comment:

photograbock said...

Hey Lauren! Thanks for the photo updates and good luck catching up on the 'ol blog!!! It can be a big baby sometimes!