Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Its beginning to feel alot (ok, a little) like fall-all everywhere I go...

Well, after school I decided to take a little bike ride. The weather was absolutely fantastic this afternoon. There was a wonderful fresh, crispness to the air. The friskiness of fall is fast approaching. It is still hot here but once the sun begins to lower a cool breeze sets in. It is wonderful. I went to the post office to mail a few postcards and rode my bike by this cute little cafe/bakery! I had chi tea and a little tiny chocolate cake/cupcake thing. The cafe over looks one of the many rivers in my town. It is located in the Iris gardens of Itako. Absolutely adorable! I then was able to watch an amazing sunset and even see a few signs of fall...

observe my little caterpillar friend!
my little kitty cat friend on my ride home

Beautiful Itako
Signs of fall. I love it!!!

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