Monday, April 13, 2009

Tokyo Weekends Make Some of the BEST Memories

On Friday after school I had an Ikebana lesson at Yamada sensei's home - per usual. I really am continuing to really enjoy her class. I am hoping to bring what I learn back with me to my cafe/boutique that I will one day have and enjoy for myself.

After Ikebana, Aki met John and I in Kashima. We went to this adorable little Italian restaurant. Aki and I had been once before back in the winter. The weather is warming up and becoming so nice. We were able to sit outside on their patio with a small heater - fantastic! I am looking forward to taking my family there and any other visitors! Great price on food :) John and I enjoyed pizzas and Aki enjoyed pasta. We then decided we had a taste for some dessert. So dessert was had by all :) Aki and I had tirimasu and John and cheese cake! After dinner, it was time to go home.

When I got home, I called my parents and my sister and then went to sleep because I had a busy weekend ahead of me!

On Saturday morning, the weather was gorgeous. Yoko came and picked me up and I had my kimono fitting for the Iris Festival. The Iris Festival will be every Saturday and Sunday of June. I am excited though because I get to keep my yukata (summer time kimono)! I would hope so seeing as it is sized just for me! :)

After the fitting, I came home and packed a small bag to go to Tokyo. I was meeting friends in Yoyogi park in Harajuku for a picnic - I had 2 groups of friends meeting in various parts of the park! I got down to Tokyo around 2 and went and checked in at my hotel. I then got to Yoyogi park around 3. We enjoyed snacks, drinks, and great conversation! :) I jumped from the first group to the second group and met new people in between.

Emily and I at Yoyogi Koen :)

Emily and I again - enjoying STRAIGHT FANTA :) STEVE!!! My new friend! We've known each other but NEVER see each other! (Steve, hope you enjoy seeing your BEAU-TI-FUL face on my PAGE!)I really enjoyed making new friends. After long conversation in the beautiful park, dusk began to set and before we knew it it was dark. I was able to enjoy going to an art opening in shibuya with these new friends! After we went to the art opening we wandered over to Great Burger - this amazing hamburger (how did you guess) restaurant was incredible. HUGE menu :) really nice selection. After dinner, we wandered over to the standing bar where we finished out the night with drinks such as oolong tea and shochu and red wine. I then wandered back to my hotel about 12:15 and went to bed around 1:00 :) It was a really fun day!

On Sunday (yesterday), I met Annelyse, Chika, and Ana (LFC friend!) in Meguro to enjoy a day of feasting together for the Easter holiday. We met around 11:30 at the station and had to wait until noon to get into the pub. We were able to enjoy roast beef, lamb, pork, veggies, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, rolls, and various gravies for the meat! It was 2,000 yen per person about $20. We also all enjoyed a drink. We sat and talked at the London Pub for a very long time.

Ana and I at the London Pub in Meguro

Me, Chika, and Annelyse enjoying Easter brunch! Ana, a fellow art major from LFC, was here in Japan visiting her old host family! She was able to break away from them and hang out with us for the day! She mentioned a nice hookah place in Shimo Kitazawa - about 4 stops west from Harajuku. We went to the little town and were uncertain as to were this place was. We asked a police man and he didn't know but some how after a little while, Chika found some land marks on a blog on her keitei (cell) and we showed it to the police man and he was able to direct us to the shisha bar :)

We ordered mint and mixed fruit hookahs to begin with. We decided the mint was too strong so we changed to chocolate mint which was a much smoother, richer flavor - very nice. It was an adorable cafe - very small and intimate! We stayed there for a few hours. After we left there we shopped around in the really cute boutiques that are in the area!
After Shimo Kitazawa we were off to Yoyogi Uehara. This place is where I was able to enjoy eggs benedict with my new friend Hash a few weeks back. This station is only 2 stops between Harajuku and Shimo Kitazawa. We went to the west park cafe and had dinner with Hash. This restaurant is a very European inspired restaurant. The prices are good and the meal portions are great! We stayed there for a while and talked some more. It was now 7:00 at this time and we decided we all needed to get back to our various towns!
Once we left and said our good-byes, I had to go back to my hotel and pick up my bag. I was then off to Tokyo station to come back to good ole Itako! I was home sweet home around 10 and in bed, lights out at 11 :)

It was really a fantastic weekend - I had a blast, but hey when do I not?! I am looking forward to helping John celebrate his birthday this weekend! I am also looking forward to the preparation of my trip to China with Annelyse! I have 16 days until I leave - yikes!, how exciting!! :)

As always, stay tuned for more of my adventures!! :)


1 comment:

steveperkins1984 said...

Yay! I'm on you're blog! You're frickin adorable you know! You have such a beautiful smile in every picture of you! Hope we meet again soon! Check out my blog sometime..I'm going to update it soon!