Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sha-Sha-Shanghai! May 2 - 5

Annelyse and I started with a small layover just north of Hong Kong. After getting our luggage and re-checking in we found ourselves in a small cafe before our flight to Shanghai!

Before we knew it, it was time to board our plane and head on to Shanghai. The flight was pretty short. The interesting thing in China is that you get a FULL meal regardless of how long the flight. Even our little jump of a flight from Hong Kong they gave us a huge thing of crackers and bottle water - the flight was only 30 minutes!! At this point, swine flu inspections were in full swing. We were often finding ourselves delayed because of inspection officials needing to do their job.

Once in Shanghai and through baggage claim we got in line for a taxi. We both forgot to exchange money at the airport and the taxi line was moving quickly. Since we were now on mainland China, the currency changed. We hopped in the taxi and showed him we only had credit card. He was a little upset at first and we figured out between the language barrier that we could exchange Japanese Yen for RMB at the hotel - we did just that. After about a 40 minute taxi ride we found ourselves at the ever so lush Sofitel Hyland Shanghai. The hotel is located in a terrific part of town and best of all it was only $100 a night for us to share this amazing room in a 4 star hotel!

We checked-in to the hotel, gave them our passports for copying, and were on our way up to our room! We had intentions of going out since it was Saturday night but decided we needed to take naps first! Before that we decided to go downstairs to ask a few questions and make reservations for the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe and get directions to a few Jazz clubs! Then it was time for a nap...After the first attempt of waking up we decided we did not want to go out and that we had plenty of time to party in Shanghai. I said that we should go get some food and remembered seeing a Haagen Daas downstairs on the main floor of the hotel. So we both got really excited and were cracking up out of being sleep deprived and loopy! We put on jackets and went down stairs.

It was a rainy evening but quite a beautiful view with the neon lights of Shanghai glowing through the haze of the rain. We found ourselves very comfortable and quite content sharing a banana Sunday with 3 scoops of ice cream, 2 bananas, strawberries, almonds, and a little whip cream. It was heavenly and hit the spot for two tired girlies! We then decided that we should have some actual food since we had not eaten dinner yet. We walked out on the main road of Nanjing road. We were hassled by street vendors. We figured out if you say nothing - they go away! We let them stuff themselves with their fake purses and watches. That was my only gripe about Shanghai in the area of our hotel was,"ohh, pretty lady come to my shop I give you good price on watch...purse...etc."...

It was on to "subway" for us. We were tired, it was raining, and we did not feel like figuring out where other food was. We saw it, bought a 6" sub and split that for dinner - it was fantastic. We went back to the hotel and enjoyed the movie "Shallow Hale" it was a cute movie staring Gwenth Paltrow and Jack Black it was then sleepy time for us so we could enjoy our first full day in Shanghai.

The next morning we woke up, showered, watched the news on swine flu, and were out of our hotel to go explore this new city! We first stopped at Madeline's cafe down in the bottom of our hotel to enjoy croissants and then find the subway station so we could start our day. I had found a lot of information online prior to us going to Shanghai. I read up on a street that was chalk full of sweet boutiques and fantastic restaurants. We took the subway a few stops, grabbed a taxi, and were off to this oh so (apparently) cool crossing.

When we first got there we were somewhat unsure which direction to walk in. We started heading West. The area is loaded with embassy's so the roads are sweetly lined with gorgeous trees and little courtyards. Not too long after we began our adventurous walk we came across a nail salon. Annelyse and I looked at each other, started laughing, and went in for a delightful manicure and I also indulged in a polish change on my tootsies :) There was a pair of German friends sitting across from us. We spoke with them for a little while. I also savored a diet coke! Diet coke is impossible and I mean impossible to find in Japan any more. They have added stupid orange flavoring to ever stinking bottle in this country! So, it is better for me not to drink it I know but I was able to really enjoy it in China!

Anyway, after our wonderful morning/early afternoon of being pampered in the adorable, very European salon, we continued our walk down this delightful road. We hit a dead end and decided we needed to just turn around. House after house, shop after shop, we decided to enjoy a delicious Thai lunch. The restaurant was gorgeous. We ate outside near this beautiful canopy with flowers and water surrounding us in every direction. We had our own little private abyss or so it seemed. We savored so many fantastic flavors. We shared spring rolls and two different curries. We even had Thai tea! We were going to enjoy dessert but decided we had a lot more walking to do and we should get a move on.

As we strolled down this glorious, old street, we came across various street vendors. It was nice to see fruits being sold out of a cart. Well, not too much further down the street we ran into a Chocolaterie :) That had my name written all over it!! We went in for a look and came out with a custom box just for us! The lady had prepackaged boxes or we could select various flavored chocolates. It was 10 for about $10. My favorite was the grand mariner flavor - woowha it was good! We continued on down the street for a while longer, grabbed a Starbucks, and then headed on home.

The walk was marvelous, the trees, city people, alley ways, and just having Annelyse by my side was fantastic! She makes quite the travel partner! I really adore her company. A few subway stops later we found ourselves back on Nanjing Road. We headed back to the Sofitel to refresh our feet and ourselves with a nap and some chocolate and about an hour and a half later we were off to the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe!

Annelyse and I dolled ourselves up to the 9s! We wore cute dresses and decided we were going to have a great night out on the town! The evening started in a taxi and ended in a taxi with a few taxis in between! Taxis are the best means of transportation in China. They are quick and cheap! The theater was about 25 minutes away. It was a small theater. It was beautiful with red velvet seats and thick draped curtains. We waited about 20 minutes before the crazy show began.

The show was incredible! From people being thrown around, to being stacked up on each other, to spinning dishes, to jumping through hoops, to balancing acts, it was just phenomenal! After the show we walked around for a bit trying to avoid hobos and grab a cab! It took us a while but we finally went to a hotel, stood in a taxi line, and about 15 minutes later were on our way to the world trade center for a cocktail at the Park Hyatt Hotel! The views would have been amazing had the clouds not been in the way. It was still a gorgeous bar with amazing hospitality. Our cocktails were delicious cocktails entailed something along the lines of egg whites in a silver gin fizz for Annelyse and whiskey and cherries in a Mississippi something another cocktail for me - the combination of our 2 drinks set the mood for an amazingly fun night!

After cocktails it was on to yet another adventure. We went to the ever so beautiful bathroom (seriously, Park Hyatt knows how to create bathrooms) and then went through the lobby to grab another cab to the jazz club we were then going to. Annelyse and I after a while realized that we were back over by the theater where we had just come. Well, apparently our taxi driver could not find the jazz club but fortunately we had the number! The jazz club had moved from that location all the way back over by The Bund and our hotel area. A little annoying but WELL worth the mix up! Annelyse and I are so easy going that it really doesn't matter where we are going.

We finally made it to the House of Jazz & Blues where we spent the rest of this incredible night together! We ordered a few items for dinner. We each had pumpkin soup and for our main entree we split the lasagna! We sat center stage at the Jazz club. We were both in heaven. We are both big fans of Jazz music so this was really fun for us! The artists were mostly from America and there was one guy from Japan. It was a jam band type session and different artists kept cycling in and out of sets. Well, me being me, I got up and asked one of the guys that was not playing at the time if Annelyse could get up and sing on stage. Low and behold she closed out the night with the band singing, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". It was a perfect ending to our amazing day! I have the song on video but think its too big to upload on to here. We finally made it home after some great wine and good music!! It was good night for us and on to temples in the morning.

In the morning, we started out a little slow and a little broken as we were having a little difficulty figuring out the subway system. But we finally got back on track! We started our day at a very famous temple in Shanghai called Longhua Temple. It is about 1,700 years old. We enjoyed the pagoda, the temple, all the small rooms within the temple, and saw some Buddhist monks hard at work. It was interesting for me to see people praying. This is a new experience for me to witness Buddhism and the rituals that go along with it. I also enjoy Chinese architecture with the extreme roof tops and beautiful colors.

After Longhua temple, it was on to the Jade temple for us! At the Jade Buddha temple we experienced a bit of haggling but I ignored it as best as I could. We went in and enjoyed the Buddha. I was very offended by a German at this site so I am trying to block this part of the day out of my mind as best as possible. I personally enjoyed the red lanterns against the yellow painted walls with the dark wood lining - it was striking. I also enjoyed seeing the monks in their traditional, ornate garb - it was beautiful.

After the Jade Buddha temple, it was on to Yu Garden and Bazaar. We had not had lunch yet and it was nearing 3 o'clock but I was just really in a bad mood after the Jade Buddha temple. Once we reached Yu Garden we walked around for a place to eat. We found a dim sum place and enjoyed a cheap lunch there followed by a frappacino to brighten myself up! It was then heading into the "bazaar", a fascinating market place in Shanghai. The architecture was just beautiful there. Red buildings and strong, striking rooftops surrounded by canals of water - just gorgeous.

Annelyse and I had a great time bargaining through the market place. I made out like a bandit! I bought several things for myself, my family, and of course omiagye for teachers/friends back in Japan! After we finished at the Yu Bazaar it was time to head back to the hotel for a nice little rest before another incredible night out in Shanghai!

We dressed up one more night. This time we were headed for The Bund for a dinner reservation at the New Heights restaurant out on their patio. We wore dark jeans and cute tops :) We enjoyed spectacular views of Shanghai at night - it was a breath taking view over The Bund, the harbor, and the TV tower. We enjoyed duck spring rolls (YUM) and a delicious seafood, glass noodle, curry type dish. The restaurant was very chic and we sat under tall heaters and took in what was all around us. We sat and talked for a long time as we seem to do :) We are just so excellent at keep each other company!

After dinner we went downstairs and across the street to Glamour Bar at M on The Bund! We had such a blast at this little lounge bar! We ordered wine and gin & tonics (our staples) and took in this adorable little bar. At one point we both had our boogie shoes on and felt like dancing, so we did! hee hee! We stayed and people watched and observed the "interestingness" of this bar. The bar counter and above was entirely made of mirrors. There were tons of interesting angles! After dinner and the bar we headed over to Rouge bar which was on our way home. We did not have a drink there but just admired the views. The neatest part was the walk up to the bar once inside the building. There was a spiral staircase that had a bike statue that consisted of bikes interwoven with one another - pretty cool!

Then it was time to wrap things up...we needed to go back to Sofitel and get our beauty rest as it was time to pack up and head out to Beijing!

Shanghai was amazing and now that I am back in Japan talking about it, I would go again. When I was in China I wasn't sure if I'd go back again. I of course have many other places I need to go first BUT I would go back to Shanghai...

Next up - Beijing!

1 comment:

Annelyse said...

I love to read your take on our adventures. And you are the best travel buddy in the world! (and a best friend too). SMILES FOREVER!