Monday, June 1, 2009

Beijing: "The Final Stretch" May 5 - 10

Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine before you sit down to read this novelette =D

The taxi that took us to the airport in Shanghai was unbelievably fast! We arrived in at the airport early for our flight! I mean, yes, that is what you are supposed to do...

Anyway, we checked in and went through customs. We sat down a little cafe near our gate and ate breakfast and wrote postcards for about an hour before we needed to board the plane. Our plane was scheduled to take off at noon and land in Beijing at 2:00 PM. We were right on time. The flight was quick and easy! Once we landed we went to baggage claim, grabbed our bags, and were nicely greeted by Annelyse's uncle, Tim and his driver. They were so kind and took the time out of their day to drive us to Jimmy's apartment. Jimmy is a really great friend of mine from Lake Forest College. I have known him since the 1st day of school! We have had many great times together and this was just the start of another great time together!

It took us a while to find his apartment as it is tucked inside a bit. But have no fear, we found it! Jimmy is currently studying Chinese at Peking University. He will be finished in July and doesn't quite know what his next step is other than completing his MBA in Chicago. We finally made it and Jimmy was awaiting our arrival. We were greeted with big hugs and kisses from Jimmy (he is French after all). It was also Jimmy's birthday! We set our stuff down and then went over to a rooftop terrace cafe to enjoy a tea, Annelyse got a salad, and Jimmy got a sandwich. We stayed for a bit and then Jimmy told us he needed to study for a while before we could go out to enjoy his birthday! Annelyse and I were totally fine with this as we wanted to go take naps!

After naps, we pulled ourselves quickly together and went down to La Bamba =D It is a Mexican restaurant near Jimmy's apartment. We met there with new friends, enjoyed Mexican food, and celebrated cinco de Mayo and Jimmy's 23rd birthday! We enjoyed fajitas and margaritas! It was fantastic considering we don't have Mexican food in Japan so it was a real treat! After dinner, we went with friends to this big open courtyard of vendors and tables. We enjoyed a drink outside, learned a new Chinese hand game, and then went to a dance club. Jimmy and his friends wanted to go so there we went! We danced, laughed, and really enjoyed ourselves! Annelyse and I always have a great time no matter what we are doing as long as we are together!!

The next day started out well! We went to Lush cafe, an incredible 24/7 cafe just literally down the street from Jimmy's apartment. Annelyse and I enjoyed an hearty breakfast of veggie bagels. When I say veggie bagel that is it! It was a bagel piled high with carrots, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, mushrooms (?), cheese, the WHOLE 9 YARDS! It was incredible! I also enjoyed fruit and a small pineapple juice.

After the great breakfast we grabbed our handy Starbucks map that Jimmy had given us and we set out into the big city of Beijing on our own! We hailed a cab and were off to Jingshan Park. Jingshan Park is one of the many famous land marks in Beijing. It is at the top of the Dragon Line that runs through the city. Only famous and monumental buildings can be built upon this line. We walked around the flowers and then climbed to the top of Jingshan hill. At the top of this hill one of the emperors once hanged himself. We walked around the temple, looked at the beautiful golden buddha, and had phenomenal views of the Forbidden City. Jimmy had planned the perfect route so we would literally just walk in straight lines that day. We tried to stay straight... didn't always work out...

As we discovered once we were down at the bottom on Jingshan Park, crossing the street, and wandering into the depths of the Forbidden City. Well, everything started out fantastic and actual the entire day was wonderful. We entered the massive structure. We curved around and didn't go straight so this is where we encountered a few problems (we figured that out later). We ran into a sweet guy (later found out we were maybe scammed) he told us there was a student art show going on in the building next to the one we were next to so he told us to go have a look. Well, Annelyse and I love art so we headed on over. I just recently read in a magazine that you should always buy a piece of art wherever you travel because it will bring back instant moments of happiness you had while you were in that place! I think it is a fantastic idea and so my hobby as an art collector has begun! =D

When we walked in we were warmly greeted by some university students. They told us that they were here in Beijing from Xian and were on a traveling art show in China. They were saving money/making money for a trip to Switzerland with their University art class this summer. Believable or not, I was able to buy some art! It was really fun to look through the pieces of art and we were then on our way.

We walked around in a little bit of another circle, down a few alley ways, and found ourselves back at the beginning. We took a water/Popsicle break and decided to try to get out of the Forbidden City. We were unsure at how big this place really was - clearly! We then made the plan to just follow what Jimmy said and "Just walked straight" that we did and after about an hour or so we found ourselves facing the face of Mao and at the foot of Tienanmen Square. The Forbidden City was massive and fantastic. As I sometimes say in Japan and I guess what Jimmy and his friends say in China once you have seen one temple you have seen them all. In the Forbidden City right when you thought you were finished another courtyard would open up with lots of housing to open up to another massive housing courtyard that then opened into another. It was impressively massive and historical. It was fascinating walking through, we really enjoyed it. Once past the painting and opening gate of the Forbidden City we were walking under the road via a cross way and popped up at the top of Tienanmen Square. We walked and saw Tienanmen Square for a little bit and then decided we needed a break! We hailed a cab to the area of Hou Hai. Jimmy told us to end our day here...

Hou Hai is a gorgeous area of Beijing. It is very peaceful and surrounded by a man made lake, weeping willows, brilliant hot pink flowers, an oriental Starbucks, and lovely cafes. When we first entered the area we were intrigued by this adorable boutique. We went in to see what we could find. We were both still on the search for gifts for friends and family (and ourselves!) I found two things. I found this really beautiful bookmark for Aki and this absolutely fabulous necklace! It has a gold chain (not typically me) and this oh-so-cute green camera charm with a diamond as the shutter. It is so cute! I had to have it (I am wearing it as I write!). Annelyse found a wonderful piece of Jade for her mother. After our adventure into the cute boutique, Annelyse and I were a bit hungry at that point and enjoyed a pumpkin soup and diet coke/ginger ale by the water front. It was so peaceful and of course we enjoyed talking about all the many delightful things we always end up talking about. We sat and relaxed and then decided to walk around only to stop not too much further away from the cafe we were originally at!

We had passed the Cafe Buffalo on our way to the cafe we had just been at. There were fantastic views and seats at this cafe restaurant. We decided to just take our time here because we had nothing else planned and could just enjoy talking, wine, and tapas type foods. So that we did! We ordered appetizers and drinks and sat there enjoying people watching, soaking in Hou Hai, and the atmosphere around us. We spoke for three hours about everything and just enjoyed the moment. This was probably one of my favorite evenings with Annelyse. It was a true, honest talk about life. It was fantastic. While we were at dinner (backing up) we were sitting there looking out over the water and the walkway that was next to us and low and behold a couple that had been in the check-in line in Shanghai with us walked by our cafe. They were an adorable, young couple from Canada (very beautiful couple) and we called them over and talked with them for a little while. It was just so funny because the man said well hopefully we will run into each other in Beijing - AND WE DID! Just my luck!

After dinner we went back to Jimmy's apartment and relaxed. Jimmy was in the middle of finals when we arrived so he was unable to hang out with us the first two days. However, it was nice because it gave Annelyse and I time to discover the city on our own! It was time to rest up for our big day the next day - Olympic Stadium, Summer Palace, Peking University followed with a big night out on the town!

The morning began in an interesting manner. We woke up to no water! I called Jimmy and felt bad because he was about to take an exam (we were able to call Jimmy because he lent us his extra cell phone). He came home quickly and called his land lord. Annelyse and I decided we were not thaaat dirty and could handle ourselves, enjoy the day, and then come back and shower. I took a small bird bath. Jimmy has one of those water tanks you see in offices that have both cold and hot water. so I filled up a bowl and took a bird bath :) and brushed my teeth. It wasn't long until we were out adventuring around. Our first stop on our lovely Starbucks map was the 2008 Beijing Olympic stadium and water cube. We hailed a cab and were off!

Once we arrived at the stadium we had to walk over the over pass to get to the other side. We took many pictures along the way and enjoyed the walk. We discovered the tickets were a bit difficult to obtain because of location. We started on one side and then had to walk around the entire cube to get to the other side to get tickets. Once we finally got tickets we had to walk all the way back around to enter the cube. It was a bit annoying but we did it anyway! It was cool inside, kind of like the feeling you get when you are in an aquarium. I enjoyed the peaceful lighting and going to see the inside of the Olympic swimming pool. After the pool, we walked over to the Birds Nest (Olympic stadium), bought tickets, and went in. I must admit I enjoyed the outside of the stadium much more than the inside of the stadium. The outside is so magnificent with the bent metal beams twisting in and out of one another. The inside looks like a typical American Football stadium - a little disappointed but cool nonetheless!

We stayed in the Olympic area for a few hours because it is quiet spread out! After our fill of Olympic glory we set out on our next adventure to Summer Palace which is about 20 minutes by taxi from the stadium. It was a good opportunity for Annelyse and I to rest our feet and relax from the heat. Beijing is hot but it is dry so it is a comfortable heat unlike hot and humid Japan. Once we got to Summer Palace, I was starving and we were kinda cranky (I was at least) so our first mission was to get food. The problem was that our stupid taxi driver did not drop us at the Summer Palace but rather somewhere really quite far from the palace and we had to walk for what seemed ages before we found anything that remotely resembled the entrance to the Palace. Okay, back on track, so we found a little noodle shop and enjoyed cold noodles while looking out over the beautiful Summer Palace lake. We were people watching and observed this guy writing Kanji with two long sticks that had to have been filled with water and maybe a little ink. He was writing two characters at a time and would explain what they meant to the onlookers. After we finished lunch, we went and enjoyed his demonstration.

Annelyse and I strolled around and wanted to take a boat ride out on the lake. We decided we were too tired to actually pedal a pedal boat and wanted to just be taken across the lake. We walked and enjoyed the views of the architecture and then finally reached a ticket booth for the boat! We bought tickets and boarded this crazy, yellow dragon shaped boat! We were surrounded by Chinese people and it was a bit intense, we sat very close to each other and just smiled at everyone looking at us. We enjoyed the ride and the cool breeze brushing against our skin. We got off the boat and started to find the exit. It is a huge place! Once, outside we found a MARKED taxi and got in. There were a few guys outside the palace gates trying to get us to get into their unmarked cabs (I was thinking YEAH RIGHT sucker!). We were on our way back to Jimmy's to rest up a bit before we were going to meet him at Peking University so we could have a good tour of the campus.

We met Jimmy right at 4 and he took us around to some of his buildings and around this gorgeous area that has a lake and a pagoda. We walked, enjoyed, talked, took pictures, and then headed back to Jimmy's to take showers and rest up before our big night out with Jimmy.

Our night out was wonderful. We started at a place called "Let's Burger" it was the most gourmet burger shop I have ever witnessed/been able to enjoy in my life. Annelyse and I ordered these colossal burgers! They were meat, Foie gras, lettuce, tomato, cheese, avocado sauce, and a shrimp on top! It was delicious and I could only eat half, the other half was saved for a lunch or a snack for the next day. After dinner, Jimmy took us to this cute Mexican Catina in this same area where we enjoyed the burgers. He ordered us the biggest margaritas I have ever consumed! I enjoyed a raspberry margarita ( a real first! ). The restaurant was beautiful with candles and an open roof looking at the stars and the big moon. Annelyse was not feeling well and decided to go home early. Jimmy and I continued on our escapade!

We got Annelyse into a cab and sent her on her way! Jimmy and I went to three more places! We went to this little hole in the wall bar called Butterfly. It was very trendy but so small. He then took me to this rooftop terrace bar/restaurant where we sat outside and enjoyed a live band and caught up on times past! It was wonderful to hang out just with Jimmy. We next moved on to The China Doll. It was a neat bar with cool lighting and music. After that it was time to go home as we were both err...pretty tired! =D

The next morning we all slept in just a bit and then had Carlos (one of Jimmy's fantastically awesome good friends) meet us! We went across town in about a 40 minute taxi to an incredible restaurant called the LAN Club. This place is phenomenal. It is full of funky art and a terrific interior designer! We had lunch here and took turns walking around this museum of a restaurant/club. I am really glad Jimmy took us there - just up his alley and mine too!

After LAN Club, we split off from the boys and went to a place called The Hutongs. The Hutongs are a very ancient place in Beijing. It is the former housing of the elite class in Beijing. The homes are all inter connected and have the same design front. A wash of grey covers the exteriors of these homes to keep with the feeling of one. There is also a contrasting red liner that borders the doors and the walls. In times past, like I said, these were homes for the elite. Today they are filled with some of the 18 million people that occupy Beijing. With the population booming, housing is becoming more scarce. We paid for a tour knowing that they were big and we were short on time. Annelyse had plans to meet with her uncle for dinner and I had plans to help get Jimmy's house party ready for his party he was hosting in the evening.

We paid about $25 for an hour tour + guide of the Hutongs. We enjoyed a rickshaw ride through the narrow, pathed and unpathed alley ways, we saw the daily life of the people living in the Hutongs. We made many stops along the way. We even visited with a woman living in the Hutongs. We were invited into her home to speak with her and enjoy her home. Her husband is an artist so we were able to admire his works. Since I was holding in my mind what I had said about collecting art, I decided to buy one of his pieces. It is a simple ink drawing of a man meditating under the stars. I really just related to this and was very much at peace with this painting. I knew that if I did not buy it I would regret it. It was my favorite thing I bought in Beijing. The tour continued and we became as acquainted with the area as one can only having one hour. It was a peaceful journey and we learned a lot. We stopped and took pictures along the way as the Hutongs/Hou Hai area have many great photo ops. Our tour came to a wonderful end and it was time to hail a cab and get the heck back to Jimmy's!

Annelyse quickly got ready because it took awhile with traffic to get back to Jimmy's place. I took a nap, then took my time getting ready and then Marie (another one of Jimmy's great friends) came over to help with the preparations of the party. Marie and Carlos were my favorite of Jimmy's friends! Marie is from France and Carlos is from Chile. It is fun making such international friends! We were having a Mexican Themed Party! Then people started coming over about 8:30 - 9:00 for the party to begin. Annelyse came back about 10:30 and had had a great evening with her Uncle! They enjoyed Korean BBQ! She came back in the midst of the party, it was fun! I had told myself not to go out but I had met a very cute French guy amongst all the frenchies (Marie & Jimmy too!) and was easily convinced to go out to a dance club. We danced and had such a blast! I did not get home until the sun had come up. We were dancing, smiling, laughing, was fantastic. I began to regret it only when I had to wake up 2 hours later!

Annelyse came into my room and I was dead to the world asleep and she took a shower and came back in to wake me up. She got a phone call from her uncle tell her that he was going to be at our apartment in 15 minutes. 1-5 M-I-N-U-T-E-S!!!! AAAAA! So I had to fly out of bed take the world's fastest shower, get dressed, and go down stairs! WOOOHA! But we made it and were on our way to guess where: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA! Annelyse and her uncle had arranged the trip the night before when they were together at his hotel/apartment. We had a personal tour guide and bus shuttle to The Great Wall. We went to a section of the wall called Mutinayu. It is about an hour and a half outside of Beijing. We all slept on the way out there and then tried to wake up just a bit once we arrived. The area was breath taking (literally - ha ha). Our tour guide helped us get tickets and on the cable car we went! We actual rode in the very car that Bill Clinton rode in 1998. Kinda cool! Better him then BUSH! hee hee.

Once we got to the top, we had a talk about how there was an easy way to walk and a difficult way to walk. Our tour guide had more faith in us than I think she should have had and said we should take the difficult route. So, we were off! Tim, Annelyse's uncle, needed to stop and he told us to carry on. We figured we had done Fuji so how hard could this be..right?! RIGHT!? So we were walking and walking for about 45 minutes when we finally got to the VERY HIGH STEEP part of the wall. We looked at each other said oh my (@&*$%&#) how are we going to do this?! We DID FUJI! So we huffed and puffed up. It wasn't until we got to the VERY VERY VERY STEEEEEP stairs that we really had a struggle. Lesson learned: NEVER, and I mean never, climb The GREAT WALL on 2 hours of sleep!! :) Looking back, it was worht the fun but good lord at that time it was insane! We made it to the top and it was victorious!! I felt we had accomplished a lot! It was fantastic! We climbed back down (that was the easy part) and met Tim and the tour guide to go back into Beijing for a lunch at the hotel.

We went to an Italian restaurant in the hotel complex and enjoyed salad and pizza. It was really tastey pizza which is a rarity now that I live in Japan! We don't get the opportunity to eat really good pizza. We took an hour break and then met our tour guide again for 3 hour tour of the HUTONGs. Annelyse and I laughed because we had just done the tour the day before. This time was three hours so it was different in some regards but the exact same in others. But the nice thing is that we ended the tour with a fabulous tea ceremony. We were able to see the art of the Chinese tea ceremony. It is very different then that of the Japanese. We were able to sample 4 different teas. I bought some Jasmine - it was wonderful. After we partook in this event it was time to say good-bye to our adorable guide, hannah (I love how they change their names).

We sat in traffic for a while getting back to Jimmy's apartment. Once we got back we were completely exhausted and decided to pop in a movie and relax. Jimmy was recovering from his birthday and we had a very chilled out evening. We met a few of Jimmy's friends for sushi right down the street. At this point, Annelyse and I were very homesick for Japan. I really enjoyed my time in China and would go again. However, it was time to go back. Eating Japanese food was just the cherry on top of me wanting to go back and have life return to normal. After dinner, we came home and packed up our bags. We went to bed early because we had a very early flight back to Narita. I said my good-byes to Jimmy and his friends and of course told him all the good, sappy stuff you tell people when you have to say good-bye. It was off to sleep for us and home sweet home Japan...

...the next day (our final day) was the straw that broke the camels back! First of all, we had to wake up really early. Since I was ready early, I decided to go get one of those veggie bagels for Annelyse and I to split because we were craving another one! One last one! When I got there, there were so many drunk people from the night before and their orders where in before mine. I waits over 30 minutes FOR A VEGGIE BAGEL! So, I was already in a mood. The night before, we tried finding our terminal online because apparently the two terminals are very far apart. Jimmy was pretty certain that the terminal he directed us to would be okay. Well, our taxi driver gets us there and its the wrong terminal. We had to go find the bus and go back to the other terminal which was about 15 minutes by bus. Once we finally reached the check-in desk it was a major check of our bags and then I didn't have a seat assignment! It just kept going and going with the bad I got to the gate and they told me the gate was CLOSED (what do you mean?!) and I was like ugh, I need a seat! So FINALLY, I got a seat. Annelyse was sweet and got us Starbucks and then they said you can't bring it on board - WHAT!? What nonsense is that!? THEN, we were ready for take off and going as fast as possible when suddenly our plane came to an earth shattering hault. I was scared out of my brains. I thought we were about to die. Apparently we did not have enough power to take off. We then circled for the next hour waiting to take off. Once in the air, it was one of the most turbulent rides I have ever experienced and then just then after about 5 hours of living hell we found ourselves back in the beautiful glory of Japan. Oh HOME SWEET HOME JAPAN! It was amazing. We laughed when we went through customs because we could speak Japanese again! And read again. It was just so nice to be back!

I had about an hour to kill before my bus back to Itako. So I went to LUSH, a beauty good smell store, and bought a body scrub so I could go home and take a very relaxing bath.

China was incredible. An unforgetable trip. I am so happy I was able to see Becky & Jimmy and spend the trip with Annelyse. I of course would love to share this trip with so many other people but it just isn't possible. It was the trip of a life time and I am looking forward to telling you about my other trips to come. I know that within this next year I am planning on making a trip to Korea and to Okinawa (southern island in Japan).

I can't believe I finally finished writing on this trip! I am sorry it has taken so long but now you can fully enjoy the incredible stories and experiences of Hong Kong, Shanghai, & Beijing. Now all I need to do is add some pictures!

I love you all! I miss you! Until next time...

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