Friday, June 19, 2009

Dancin' in the Street

...with the sun shining bright and the flowers all in sight.

Last Saturday, June 13, was a really fun and big day in Itako. John and I had invited a ton of our friends from all over Ibaraki to come and enjoy the iris festival. That day was an exceptional day for many reasons. It was a gorgeous day. The sun was bright and beautiful. Annelyse came and had stayed the night with me on Friday night. We went out of eat with John and then started making some preparations for the party. Annelyse and John were true rock stars to help out and put everything together. We arranged furniture and started making food. We made everything from guacamole to pasta salad. John came over on Saturday and helped make food while I wasn't there.

During the festival, Annelyse and I were dressed up in our yukatas. She had one from when she was here before. Osaki san helped her get into it and we paraded around the festival together greeting people and taking tons of pictures. She was able to earn a bento lunch by helping pass out brochures to the guests of Itako. It was really fun having her there! I even taught her the edo period dance and we danced together in the town's dance competition. The competition went on for three hours she was so sweet to stick around and dance for about half of the competition. We danced from 4 to 7 and then there was an awards ceremony for the best dancers/costumes!

It was just such a fantastic day to have the whole town of Itako to come out and support each other and be a part of such a big day. It was great seeing my students and have them shout my name from the side of the street while I was dancing amongst the ayame princesses. My cheeks hurt at the end of the day because I had been smiling literally all day long. My feet have definitely become accustomed to the geta. The first weekend my feet hurt so much but now I am getting used to them and don't mind them so much!

This week has been very busy and this weekend will be hopefully not so busy aside from the iris festival. 2 weekends left! Tonight I am going to a going away party for my good friend Shota. He is leaving for Jordon for two years next week. We are having a proper farewell for him tonight!

Until next time!!

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