Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Suigo no Akari ~ Festival of Lights

Last Saturday after the Iris Festival was over for the day, thousands of candles were lite to illuminate the iris garden. I am not sure the meaning of the candles but there was a wedding procession. I met with my friend from Nepal, Sapana. She came with her son and her husband. We walked around and enjoyed the lights together. We shared some food and laughed with her son. It was great to see many people that saw me in my yukata during the day and then have them see me again as a "normal" person just enjoying the sites. Here are some pictures from that evening. It was very fun and I am glad I was able to spend it with Sapana, my new friend. She has invited me over to her home for dinner this Saturday - traditional Nepalise food :)

Here you are:

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