Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finding Happiness in the Smallest Pleasures

...however, sometimes those smallest pleasures come with a price tag and a rather large one at that!


With the iris festival in full swing, I am constantly being exposed to new things, new people, and new places. I have met a local artist in Itako. Her name is KOZU. She is a really cool, hip, groovy lady. We, the iris princesses, eat in the back of her studio during the iris festival. We have gotten to know her and her art. I, being an artist, asked her where she bought her supplies. I have been nervous because I thought I needed to go to Tokyo and if I needed to do that a) it would be very expensive and b) I would not be able to buy as much because I could not be caught DEAD driving into Tokyo.

I have become friends with KOZU over the past few weeks. She expressed that it would be fun to go together to go to her store that she knows of. Low and behold, it is a home store called Joyful Honda. There, you can find a world of art supplies for a reasonable price. A lot of money and some time later, I am now fully stocked with new art supplies so I can being my art carrier once more. It has been difficult to get started again because of several obstacles. I am sick of making excuses and now I have no excuse. My goal is to have an art show here in Japan during my stay. I hope to have an exhibit perhaps at my school, locally, or even in Tokyo. It is a realistic goal, I just have to work hard at it.

I am very pleased to say that finally after over a year of rest, I am ready to start painting again. I was sad this past year that I wasn't painting. But now that part of my life can come back to life. It is an incredible feeling that only some of you will understand. But if you are passionate about anything, you know how hard it is to put something like that on hold.


This is a quick 25 minute drawing I did using charcol and water color. I have never had the patience for watercolor so now I am going to try experimenting with it. Wish me luck! Here goes nothin' =D

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