Friday, September 12, 2008

"See You" :) Long weekend!

Well I officially officially began teaching today :) It is wonderful! The kids were great today! I have asked the art teacher if I could join art class once on Mondays and once on Fridays! We watched a video on Vincent van Gogh today! That was pretty fun! I learned some new names today. It is really hard to remember them all! I taught the kids "Have a good/nice weekend" with a "Thank you, you too!" response. It was great! Some kids are really motivated to speak English and others are not. It is such a universal thing. I remember in school...which was not long ago at all...that I was not always motivated myself! Well school lets out for the weekend in 15 minutes!

I am running home to pack my bag for Annelyse's apartment! I am really excited to see her this weekend and relax at her place! We are going to Tokyo on Sunday. The section we are going to is called Ueno. We are going to go to the park and to the zoo. We both have some friends that will be visiting Tokyo so we will meet up with them as well! It should be a great weekend.

It was really hot today but not as humid as it has been. Thank goodness. I hope that all of you have wonderful weekends. I will hopefully get the opportunity to post on my blog on Monday pictures from my awesome weekend. However it may end up being Tuesday due to lack of Internet at my apartment or getting back in town to late. Just wanted to say that I am continuing to love my job. I think it may be hard once I finally have a whole week! I keep having 4 day weeks! Its awesome. I have some books I should be grading but OCheck Spellingsato-Sensi said that we would pass them out next Friday, no problem! So I am sitting here online about to go pack up!

Love you guys tons!! Please write me!!! I am looking for letters...After all, someone DOES have a birthday coming up! :) tee hee!



MartiDC said...

Lauren! I'm blogging for the 1st time so wish me luck!

We sure did miss you in SLO for the big was beautiful as you might imagine! You did miss Erika and Kat dancing with Uncle David! A weekend highlight for sure! I plan on keeping up with your blog so lay it on me! Love you uuuddles...Aunt Marti

MartiDC said...

oh yeah...I need to see photos of your rockin' apartment! You menetioned you were decorating so I wanna see!

Aunt Marti