Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Wednesday August 27:

Well, I decided to go to Tokyo - What a surprise! I took the 70 minute bus to Tokyo station. It was only me, so I was free to roam Tokyo. I first went to Roppangi. This area is already a love/hate relationship. The foreigners gather here but I can not NOT go here! Great museums, shopping, food, and a movie theater! I took advantage of the Mori building. I knew there was a contemporary art museum at the top of this building. It was 1500 yen for the art museum, sky deck, and sky aquarium! So of course, I did all three :) I used my old LFC student ID card to get the 500 yen discount! The art museum - hmmmm - contemporary to the max. I have personal issues with most contemporary art. I will spare you the details.

I went to the exhibition and enjoyed myself nonetheless! I then locked my belongings into a locker and went to the very top of the Mori building, to the sky deck! I did the "kitchy" thing and had my picture taken with Tokyo Tower in the background.

I walked around up top for awhile. This particular sky deck is the only outdoor sky deck in all of Tokyo. All others are enclosed. It was then time for the sky aquarium! How cool is that? An aquarium on the 53rd floor of a building! I looked at all the fishes. They had a few interesting arrangements. Fish in tanks on the wall. The tanks look like picture frames. They even had one in a sink!

I looked around for a bit and then went to Ginza for a new adventure. Ginza is the ritzy part of Tokyo, where all the designers can be found! Thanks to a few ladies at Longchamps, I found a reasonably priced hotel. I went to dinner at a Belgium pub. There I met two designers who both surf! They work in Harajuku. I then went back to my hotel, bought some ice cream and was fast asleep.

For all you designer lovers:

Thursday August 28:

I woke up and laid in bed. I took advantage of having CNN. OMG. English! I love Japan but constantly not understanding is hard. CNN had the Democratic Convention speeches with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Bidden. I took a shower and headed out to wonderful Tokyo around noon. I found a sweet little french cafe to eat lunch! It was delicious! I am finding other foods (besides Japanese) are great!

I then went to Gucci and had a cappuccino and a chocolate! Best chocolate I have ever eaten. Dark Chocolate with a dark chocolate/raspberry center. TO DIE FOR! I made a new friend there! She was a waitress that speaks English! We exchanged contacts. She was very sweet and useful!

It began to rain but I was prepared. I took the subway to Shibuya. I decided to find a new hotel and stay another night. I began the search for a new backpack. I went to Roppangi for school shopping because finding a new bag was a total flop! Dinner and a movie! I went to see Sex and the City. Great movie to see...it's in English! It made me thankful for the girlfriends I have. I then took the subway back to my adorable hotel! I forgot to mention I bought "bling" for my phone! The Japanese are very into their phones! I began the tedious process of putting these silly rhinestones on my phone. I twas time for sleep...

Friday August 29:

I began the process once more of finding a backpack. Long story short...no backpack however, a great sale at French Connection was found! 70 % off! Sounds like a deal to me! I walked up awhile to Harajuku. ALL TOPSHOP FANS!! Oct 16! It's coming to Harajuku!

I went to lunch over looking Harajuku, salad and spaghetti bolognese. I found a little gift for sissy and then caught the train @ Harajuku to Tokyo Station. The ride was about 25 minutes. I found the right bus at TS to get back to Itako. Its unbelievable to me that I can leave Tokyo at 4 pm on a Friday and still be home @ 5:15 pm! It was time to prepare for Fuji. I prepared snacks and gathered proper clothing. It was as early to bed as possible.

Saturday August 30:

I woke up at 7:15. I needed to take the train to Mito, Ibaraki's capitol. I arrived in Mito a little after 10 am. I headed to the Starbucks we often meet at. I ordered a cappuccino and ate away at the best grapes I have ever eaten. We then departed Mito via bus (hired) and went to Moriya to collect the rest of the gang! We stopped twice for snacks and arrived at station 5 around 5:30 pm.

Station 5 has shops and cafes. It reminded me of Teton village. We began the hike at 6:30 after we layered. Since I went to school in Chicago, I know how to layer! I was warm the entire time! It was great! I have bought socks in Harajuku for the climb. They worked the entire time! The climb was hard, stressful, amazing, and fun. We slowly crept up the side of Mt. Fuji.

Station 7!

Lian, Emily, me, and Daryle!
Annelyse and I stuck it out together! We climbed until about 4 am. We made it to station 8 (huge gap between 7 & 8) which is about 3200 m. Fuji is 3700 m. She needed to rest so we made it to 8! Through the rain, the other climbers, etc. I can't explain the climb to you! Other than I really felt like a professional rock climber at times :) We laid down at 6500 yen a pop for about an hour and 15 minutes. I was determined to see the sunrise sooo here it is:

This is my walking stick that I paid to be burned at each stop! They had cast iron stamps they were marking our sticks with.

On the decent to Station 5.

At 5:38 am we began our decent to station 5. We were told it would take 4 hours. Sure enough at 9:30 AM we found ourselves back at station 5. I bought a sweatshirt and postcards. The climb was absolutely life changing. I know that sounds silly but it is true. When else in my life will I be able to climb one of the world's most famous mountains! I did it! My body hates me right now, but it was totally worth it! I fell twice coming down the mountain. The incline is NUTS! It was hard to keep your footing stable. Walked sideways wasn't helping. I made it down safe! Around 10:30 - 11 we began our trip back home. I was home by 8:00 and preparing for my first day of school. What a way to begin school! Having climbed Mt. Fuji!

Last photos:

WE MADE IT BACK TO STATION 5!!! Found some friends along the way!

Monday/Tuesday September 1 & 2:

First day of school! Life could not be better! I do not begin teaching until September 9th. Sports day is this Saturday. It is a day dedicated to relays. The kids have been practicing all week. I gave my speech to the entire school and then a separate speech to the teachers. I am really well liked by the children! They all want to speak to me. I think most of them are scared to say anything beyond "hello". They laugh! I guess this is a good thing but they have all commented on how small my face is. Apparently it is a jealousy thing...hmmm....

The teachers are great and very friendly. I have been communicating in broken Japanese. The efforts are going a long way.

I am exhausted...off to sleep! I get to meet my predecessor, Lauren, tomorrow. John, Yamada-san, and I are going to Narita to wish her safe travels back to America.

Me, yesterday, on the first day of school not as a student!!! My desk is behind me :)

I had to put on slippers at school because Japanese tradition has it so you can't wear outside shoes indoors. LOVE IT!

Until next time...


Unknown said...

Hi Lauren,

We are enjoying your blog.

We had an earthquake at the plant today 3.3 at Obsidian Butte, 3 miles from my office.


Take care and keep writing.

Uncle Craig

N.V.T. said...

great, lauren
you look nice on first school photo. little nervous ?
hope you are happy to stay in my town.
see you soon.

Nobuko Takaishi

kitty said...

Dude there is a gold fishy in the sink!!! I love your blog bc then I get to see awesome photos of you. OMG OMG OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU. It still hasn't hit me yet that I will be seeing you in december. yea