Monday, April 20, 2009

"Advice To My 21 [23]- YEAR-OLD SELF..."

I was reading an article in the March 2009 issue of ELLE...

I liked what this woman had to say about herself now that she is 38 years old and looking back at herself when she was 21 and the advice she would have given herself...

Raffaell Barker, novelist:
'In no particular order, here are some things I wish I'd known when I was you: you will forget brilliant ideas, so write them down; you don't have to try so hard, you can take a day off sometimes and just have fun - it's allowed; Michael Van Clarke does the best haircuts in London; saying 'I'm sorry' matters; saying 'I love you' matters more; a homemade cake is a gift of love; walk tall; speak low and wear good underwear.'

Louise Wener, novelist and ex-rock star:
'Stop worrying so much. Embrace the risks. Have the courage to celebrate your mistakes. It will hardly matter which road you take, as long as you roar along it with passion and at full speed. Listen to more David Bowie: 'Nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years'.

Jane Fallon, novelist and TV writer/producer:
'I wish i'd realised my life wasn't going to be over when I turned 30; that there'd still be time to achieve what I wanted; that it wasn't too late to start learning the piano or anything else. I could be proficient in just about everything now.'

Susan Ward Davies, ELLE travel editor:
'Never go to one party when you can go to three. And if you love someone, tell them. It's better to risk a moment's embarrassment than live a life of regret.'

As I sit here or stand here I am glad to gain advice and knowledge from people looking back on their lives and what they had wished they had done. Gives me the confidence to keep going forth and reaching for my dreams.


1 comment:

Annelyse said...

I find it most helpful when I can read wisdom from someone else and take the time to reflect on it. Nice post.