Monday, April 20, 2009

(I Sometimes Think) TOKYO Is More So My Home Than ITAKO! =D

Yet another great weekend was had here in Japan!

Friday started out by me going into Tokyo. I took the day off on Friday because I needed to go get my passport from the Chinese Embassy. I arrived in Tokyo around 10:00 and headed over to Roppongi Hills where I paid an obscene amount of money for my Visa - $150, ugh. Oh well, I've decided it helps cover some nights in a hotel that I will not be spending thanks to Becky and Jimmy letting us stay in their homes!! I then had to come back to Itako for a doctors appointment at 2:00.

After my appointment, I ran around doing a few things for Friday evening. It was John and Kate's birthday on Friday and Erin's on Saturday. I bought a cake and had their names written on it! I then took it to Kaiya, the Italian/French restaurant, to have it be a surprise for everyone. I did not tell John that I was inviting others. He assumed that it would just be him and I at dinner. I had Erin and Kate meet me earlier at my home and I dropped them at the restaurant first. Then went and got John. Aki and one of the new teachers at Itako 1st joined us! So it was a nice surprise party for everyone :) We enjoyed great food and company. After dinner, Erin, Kate and I went to Karaoke in Itako. There is a BIG, BRIGHT Karaoke place that I have been a little skeptical to go but it actual was really fun! I am glad that we went. After Karaoke, we came back to my house and watched Twilight. It was then time for sleep as we were getting up early to go into TOKYO!
John and I at KAIYA
John about to enjoy his birthday dinner!
John and his Itako 1st teachers!!
Erin, Kate, and I - BIrthday Girls!
The Birthday Cake I bought everyone! It was so delicious!!
Ta Da - YUM!

Aki and I!!!!!!!! I love Aki!!
At Karaoke in Itako after dinner!
On Saturday, Erin went ahead around 9:30. I could not be bothered to leave THHAAAT early on a Saturday morning. Kate and I took our time getting ready and ate breakfast then headed on down. I was dying to go to this little place called Daikanyama. I had read so many fantastic things about it online. It has a very European feel to it with all the various boutiques and cafes - right up my alley! Kate and I walked around and asked for directions to Cafe Michelangelo. Great cafe it was! The interior was so Europe and absolutely adorable. We enjoyed a set lunch with soup and sandwiches - they were delicious.
Cafe Michaelangelo in Daikanyama
Outside view later in the evening :) So European!
After lunch we walked around and took a look in most of the boutiques. I bought some really cute black summer sandals (good for the beach) and a sench belt. I am in the midst of finding some good accessories. One such accessory is a fedora hat - I think this will take me a while but I think they are just so cute.
Kate and I trying on fedoras in Daikanyama - lovin' them! Erin met up with us around 4:00. We decided it was time for some coffee and cake. We found a neat little cafe called Dessert Bar F. The woman runs the cafe herself and we ended up ordering the dessert course - expensive but well worth it! It consisted of a small cheese cake, a lemon tart with berries and sweet basil sauce, and a homemade chocolate chip cookie. I also decided to do the wine pairing - heaven on your tongue.

One of the three course desserts I enjoyed! Lemon tart with berries and sweet basil sauce.
One thing in my life that I have decided to do is start enjoying the small (and the big) spoils of life. I enjoy good food and good wine - so why deprive myself?! We only get one life right and if we are constantly worried about money we don't get to enjoy these sweet things. I have decided that spending a little extra to make myself blissfully happy is completely and totally 100% worth my money!
After this glorious bakery/ dessert bar we continued to shop around in the boutiques and simply enjoy what was around us. We goofed around in stores and took pictures almost everywhere as you can see below! It was a great time :)

In the midst of walking around, I saw this shop with a lady trying on wedding dresses. I loved this. As much as I complain about my friends getting married now (deep down, I am waiting for my turn but really can't wait! - mixed emotions)
I really loved this window display
Playing around in Daikanyama. This was the center of an shopping center.

...Then we played in the park

After shopping around both window and actual, we were off to Shibuya to meet up with Hash to go to dinner. Hash had a great place in mind but unfortunately it was closed so we enjoyed a Turkish restaurant in the basement of this same restaurant. We enjoyed humus and other delicious Mediterranean foods. I swear I could move to the Mediterranean and just be so happy.
Dinner was followed with the decision to stay up all night as apposed to coming back to Itako early or getting a hotel. We went to various lounges (3 to be exact) all in Daikanyama/Nakameguro area. The crowds in these bars are very artsy chic. These people have interesting stories on why they are in Tokyo - great stories though. It is inspiring me to continue with my art studies and simply become more artsy. It is fun :) The night was spent drinking red wine and dancing away... Charry blossoms :) The very end of them in Nakameguro.
When dawn broke we were still in the lounges, fortunately the one we were in did not have windows so we could not see how entirely bright it was outside until we came outside. We were able to leave and be back to Tokyo station by the 6:50 train. I was back at home and in bed (after a shower) and asleep by about 9. I slept until 3 and woke myself up - rather easily actually and then went to the grocery store. I bought food to make a great dinner last night. I made steak, brown rice, and caprese salad - yum mozzarella cheese!!! I was in bed around 9 and painted my nails while watching Mama Mia. I am going to watch the other half of Mama Mia tonight after dinner and perhaps watch another movie...

Hope you enjoyed my adventures from this weekend!! I know I did. I am getting more and more ideas for when people visit! It is really fun getting to know a city. I would love to move into Tokyo for a year - it would be amazing I believe. Until next time, I will be studying Japanese, eating good food, teaching English, and having an enkai on Friday night - more stories to come as always!

1 comment:

Annelyse said...

I always love hearing about your fun and adventures in Tokyo! I live vicariously through you when I can't be bothered to leave Koga for the weekend. ;)