Thursday, September 3, 2009

Phuket, Thailand: A Week in Paradise

**Need to Edit**


If the east directly smacked the west right upside the face with the most differing of cultures and scenery then we find ourselves right here. I leave you in suspense because I am not finished. I feel that if you were to take say the UAE and India and bread them into their own country you would find yourself smack dab in the center of Phuket, Thailand.

I landed this morning at about 10:30 A.M. via Thai Airways into the Phuket Int. airport. I had spent the night in Bangkok the night before due to conflicts with my package I bought exactly three days ago. I did not check any luggage so I was off to start this once in a life time experience. I found a counter further down off the beaten path of sweat soaked, dark tanned Thais waving their signs to hire their company’s car right then and there. I was determined to find something not so forward. I found a nice company at the very end. It seemed trustworthy for all I could see or imagine. So, 550 Baht later I was on my way to Surin beach.

I climbed into the backseat of this silver limo like sedan. I handed him the slip that I received from the counter inside and then I was off to start this spontaneous adventure. It was on our way through the city that I realized this magical happenstance of east meeting west and my comparison of UAE meeting India and creating what lays right ahead and all around – Phuket.

We were headed to Surin when all of a sudden we made a sudden stop off. I was a bit confused but was not worrying…yet. Seeing as I am a single, 23, WHITE female when your male driver stops off at this random yellow hut on the side of the road you have to ask questions. Before I had a chance to worry a young Thai lady named Boom approached the car. She assured me that I had nothing to worry about and to come on inside. I was thinking, “What, ugh, I have everything here in the car.” And once more before I could really thing about it too hard, she said in almost perfect Thai accented English, “Oh, I get the driver and tell him to lock car”. So, I grabbed my purse and laptop bag and went in. It was low and behold a travel agency.

From the get go I was of course skeptical and realizing that maybe I was about to get ripped off or taken for. But because my driver could not speak English with me or make good conversation he wanted to make sure I had all the proper travel plans if I so wanted. I wasn’t angry, seeing as this is an adventure after all, I just looked at the information and explained to her that I was really looking forward to a vacation of doing NOTHING  She gave me her card and said she was willing to help me out to make my time here fun and relaxing. She even offered to make an appointment with her manicurist in town and we could go together. Whether this was a scam or not I don’t really care because she doesn’t have any of my information and in the end it was completely harmless. After this whirlwind, it was back in the cab and off to Surin Beach – where we were heading before this intermittent stop.

We flipped a U-turn and I was thrown for a loop and was starting to doubt the honesty of this place – something I should be doing anyway and I am but I wanted to be wrong. I kept telling myself that I was in a private, hired car so I couldn’t be that bad. We continued to breeze by run down buildings and 5 star resorts. The scenery is something completely out of the movies. You seem like you are in poverty (which, I mean we are) and then living the life of the rich and famous. After this 30 or so minute adventure we finally reached the hotel. I knew based on the pictures from the internet that this was it. Paradise at my finger tips. I walked in and haven’t looked back.

I was instantly greeted with smiles and adorable Thai accented English. I feel fortunate that they all speak English here, something that is a change from Japan. It is good and bad – I can address that later. I was greeted with an ice, cold towel to wash my hands and face and then I started signing some necessary papers and then was handed a welcome drink. I giggled a little because it is strange this whole process of growing up and crossing over into adulthood. I reserved breakfast every morning and signed one sheet and I was then being lead to my room on the 2nd floor.

I settled in just a bit with one of the biggest smiles on my face, checked out my gorgeous view of hotel pool and sanctuary. I grabbed a quick lunch from the MoMo 2go, ate in my room, and then headed down stairs. I was distracted by the thought of a massage and was promising myself I would do something nice for me on the first day. So I booked a 5:00 P.M. massage and then headed to the turquoise abyss that lay in front of me.

100 Baht later, I found myself being helped by the cabana boys. They arranged a chair for me right by the water. I mean I was practically in the waves. It was amazing. I listened to music, went for a dip, and enjoyed a Thai beer. I smiled and realized for one of the first times in my life that I am truly in what it means to be in paradise. Sure, it is different for everyone but this is the closest thing I have ever been to paradise. I continued this whole process of day dreaming, swimming, and listening to music for about 2 and a half hours.

I then bought a little dress from the vendors – bargained it down. It is a white, tie in a few different ways sundress with beautiful red flowers with butterflies just placed ever so nicely on the dress. I drank a diet coke and went for one last swim and then called it quits because of my massage. I had to drag myself away from the sandy shores and take a shower so I could go relax in an hour of pure bliss.

The driver was a bit late picking me up but it wasn’t worth the effort of being upset. I wasn’t, I just waited patiently and then arrived about 3 minutes later to this gorgeous, upscale spa. It was most definitely different from America. I was a bit exposed and was a little uncomfortable at times because of this feeling of exposure to the masseuse. I just let her do her thang and it felt absolutely wonderful. It is by far (I know you aren’t terribly shocked) one of the best massages I have ever had. It was too short because of the guy that didn’t get me on time but as I said, I am in paradise so, se la vie!

After sipping a delicious hot, Thai tea, I was sent back to the resort. I was quite ready for dinner and the masseuse said to not shower for a few hours as so to let the oils sink in. I had remembered seeing a pedicure station on the beach and decided to see if it was still open. Indeed as one of the most gorgeous sunsets was occurring right in front of my very eyes, I was invited to enjoy at 200 Baht pedicure. There are tables, beachside, to lay on and have your tootsies and your fingers done. I was in complete awe at how relaxed I was as I was laying on this beachside bed getting a pedicure for under $10 while the sun was setting with all shades of pink, orange, and blue and the clouds forming shapes I have never seen. This was by far the most enjoyable pedicure I have ever had.

After the delightful sunset accompanied by a great pedicure I was hungry from something healthy and delicious to eat for dinner. I decided to take a walk down the main road by the beach to see what I could find. I wanted to wonder a bit and not settle with the first thing that came my way. I walked for enough to reach two of the internet’s claim to fame restaurants here in Surin beach. I went to Taste for dinner and asked if I could still enjoy the 99 Baht cocktail even though I was 11 minutes late. They were great and said no problem. I sat on the beach just watching the waves come in. I enjoyed the most delicious vegetable salad once could ever imaging eating and then just sat and listened to what was around me. You would think you would be lonely by yourself in paradise but there is so much here to occupy your mind that it is hard to be lonely. I took a short walk on the beach and then decided it was in my best interest to get headed back.

I walked down the main street that was before lit by the afterglow of the sunset. It was dark in parts and light in others. There were foreigners and Thais. Sometimes as couples, sometimes just as one, and others as a group of friends. I was not bothered at all. It was amazing. I just continued on my way back to the Marriott. I was guided by huge billowing lanterns that lined the beaten path between the beach and the hotel. I was instantly greeted by the hotel staff and went to my room.

My night ends here, now, on the balcony of my room. The wind is elegant. The trees illuminated. And I end, here now, listening to Natalie Imbruglias, “Torn” while eating a huge, soft, melt in your mouth oatmeal raisin cookie.

Life is good. It is beautiful. Good night 

Day 2

I woke up around 8:30 and opened the black out shades to another day here in beautiful Thailand. Not surprising but I was greeted by a grey sky which is probably why I did not wake up any earlier than I did. I made myself a cup of red coffee and laid in my over plush king size bed with my super soft, waffle material robe. I watched an Oprah episode on loving yourself. It was an episode just released after the New Year about weight loss. Oprah and others were saying that weight gain has nothing to do with how many potato chips you eat but rather how much you truly love yourself. Well, assuming this is true I should go back to Japan rather small 

I sauntered down to breakfast around 10:00 and enjoyed and American Buffet of literally everything under the Thai sun – it was practically everything you could find. I sat and enjoyed the scenery around me which consisted of happy couples, a few families, and of course my own company. I was seating facing the huge swimming pool surrounded by an abyss of palm trees. It was lovely.

After breakfast I went to the front desk to ask a few questions about getting a few things tailor made. They asked me if I wanted cheap and around the hotel or for a price and the distance. Well, I said the latter of the two because I want something that will last and not fall apart right away. The next thing I knew a phone call was being made to Mister Singh’s Tailor shop and I had a reservation to be picked up in 30 minutes. I hustled my butt upstairs, took a shower, and quickly threw myself together to go face the famous tailor shop located 25 minutes away in Patong. I hurried downstairs and the next thing I knew I was whisked away in a shuttle bus (free of service) to Mister Singh’s tailor shop.

Upon arrival I was greeted by friendly faces (of course probably thinking stupid American) and guided to a plush leather chair to choose what I wanted made for me. I chose diet coke to drink and was concentrated on my mission to have clothing made for me. After about 30 minutes I had what I thought was a reasonable amount of clothing picked out to be made for me. After having everything totaled I nearly passed out. I had asked for 2 dresses, a skirt, and a jacket and it was about $700. I nearly died. I revaluated my situation and decided on getting two blazers. I thought classic and perfect. I ordered and had fitted a ¾ length chocolate brown blazer and a long sleeve black blazer, both single breasted and double buttoned. I was pleased with my choice and have a fitting tomorrow at 5:00. I was then sent back in the shuttle to my hotel where I made plans for the rest of my day.

I asked a few questions upon my return those including how to say hello and thank you in Thai. Sawasdee Ka is hello and Krobkhun Ka is thank you. I am happy (as I know the locals are) to know two very helpful and kind words. I came back to my room, thought about what to do today and was out on the main drag before I knew it. I walked down the street to find myself at a little café. I chose the coconut and chicken soup with a side order of Thai rice and a Perrier with fresh squeezed lime. I sat and sat and just soaked with the kindness of the Thai people. I enjoyed the local flavors while being pampers like a princess. It was amazing.

After lunch, I walked around in a few shops only to realize that I was almost 4:00 and the sun was out. I decided to head back to the hotel, slap on my swimsuit, and hit the beach! I read in my book Confessions of a Shopaholic. I am glad I do not have her extreme problem and no I am not in denial. I am just simply glad I do not have her spending problem. After my relaxing hour or so at the beach, I decided to go get an hour massage for 400 baht (about $12). The sun was setting and I was treated by the same women who had helped me yesterday. There wasn’t a crowd and all I could hear were the waves crashing against the shore and the vague club music in the near distance of the restaurants preparing for this evening. I laid, smiled, and love literally every moment of this pampering experience.

I talked with the locals for a bit after my massage and then lazed my massaged (literally) butt back to the hotel. I found myself at the gorgeous bar asking for a glass of white wine. I had 15 minutes before happy hour was over so I inquired about the “free” drink you get when you buy one during this happy hour session. I just asked for a double wine which has served me well and this is what you are reading. The result of my two glasses of wine, impaired, writing. I took it and came up to my room. I wanted to get a calling card so I could call back to America to friends and family. I enjoyed I am sure about $100 worth of talk time but it was worth it because I was able to talk to Kathryn, my mom, and my Annelyse .

I am now here, in my hotel room, eating yet another cookie. In fact, I just finished it! I ate a peanut butter cookie. It was big, sweet, and soft. Delicious. I am going to turn on the TV, put on my pajamas, and go to sleep early so I can wake up to another beautiful day here in paradise to have to do this hectic schedule again tomorrow. I really do hate my life  ha ha. Just kidding. Signing off from my room in paradise.

Love, hugs, and smiles.

Day 3

Well, I went to bed early last night and woke up naturally at about 6:30 this morning. I lay in bed watching BBC news, Oprah, and the cooking channel. It is a pleasure to watch these show as back home in Japan I do not have this such luxury of watching English channels in my apartment. I suppose I get order satellite TV but in the end of it all it is just TV. Anyway, I relaxed for a long while before going to the gym for a nice 35 minute workout. I grabbed my iPod and was off to the treadmill that over looked the beautiful pool area. The workout was just what I needed to jump start my day. After my workout I went back to my room to take a nice, hot shower and go enjoy breakfast.

I walked down to breakfast as I did yesterday. I enjoyed an omelet with all the fixings imaginable. I also enjoyed tea, fruits, and the array of gorgeous foods they had out on the breakfast buffet. After breakfast I decided I needed a small nap before hitting the beach. I napped until 11:30 then hauled my butt up, put on my black bikini, and was off across the street to endless welcoming of the guards and turquoise waves. I sat on a chair. Read my book. Shut my eyes. I enjoyed the sun for a mere 20 minutes before it began to rain.

As it began to rain, I was walking out of the water. This is where I met the first of a few interesting characters that I met along my journey in Thailand. A lady with leather dark skin and a white bikini smiled and said hello. Her name is Jan. Jan from England. We began to chit chat, as women do, and gathered our belongings as one of the big storms was starting to come in. I decided it was time for lunch and a drink under the patio. I took my book and thought I would see where the day would take me.

I saw Jan inside under the patio. My intentions were to sit across from her at the table beside her until she invited me to have a seat with her for lunch. Seeing as was just the two of us in this dimly lit restaurant I decided this could be a fun opportunity, so why not?

Jan ordered the fried rice with pork. She said to me, “I’m going to be bad. I never do this. I am going to order a Gin and Tonic.” I smiled and said, “It is raining on our party outside so I suppose we can party inside”. We laughed. I too ordered fried rice but I had mine with prawns instead. It took only but a few minutes for the Thai rice and drinks to come. The rice could not have tasted any better. Imagine Royal Thai fried rice and multiply 5 times the deliciousness and you find yourself at what I found to be the most delectable rice I’ve ever eaten. To top it off it was only about $3.

We sat there for a long time with the rain falling all around us but not on us. We could see the waves crashing violently against the ocean’s shore. The big, gray riptides have rolled in because of the dreaded monsoon season. However, this did not deter us from enjoying our afternoon. We sat and talked about everything from traveling to movies to family life and enjoying the single life. She has three daughters and is a TA for a school in England. She enjoys her summers traveling the world and this summer she came to Thailand for 6 glorious weeks. She is one of those people that because of their demeanor that you will never forget. She was a fabulous character her leathered skin and all 

After about an hour and a half of chitter chatter, we decided to go to the lou and then back out to the beautiful, white sandy beach. She opted for a massage while I was waiting my turn for a manicure. I continued to “sun” (I pretended because it was cloudy) myself until about 4:00 when it was time for me to come up under the canopy to the dear women who were doing all of my beauty treatments.

They lay down new sheets and a soft pillow upon a table top for me. They had moved up across the street under the canopies because of the rain. I enjoyed a 30 minute manicure before it was time for me to run back to the hotel, change clothes, and go into Patong to get fitted for my blazers at Mister Singh’s Tailor Shop.

At 5:00, one of the adorable drivers from Mister Singh’s Tailor Shop came to pick me up. We drove the 25 minute drive, twisting and turning around sharp turns in the road. We started at the peak of the hill and twisted around looking down and out at the spectacular views of Kamala and Patong beaches. The water was still turquoise despite the rain, I find that amazing seeing as in America or most places in the world that when it rains the water become murky.

I find myself at Mister Singh’s at about 5:30. I am taking inside and greeted by the man himself. He asks me if I want something to drink. I took a diet coke. I waited my turn for my fitting and as I was I found the most fantastic pattern. I wanted a vest made out of it. So, that I did . After my fitting for my blazers I was fitted for my vest. It did not take long and before I knew it, I was twisting and turning back up the cliffs to Surin Beach.

When I arrived back at my hotel, I needed to exchange some money from yen to baht. When I was at the counter, a gentleman told me, “hey, you know there is an exchange just around the corner”. Of course I didn’t know  otherwise, I would have gone. I had seen him in the hotel before and he asked me if I had been out to Patong. He comes to Phuket about once a month. I said no I hadn’t and he asked me if I’d like to go. I said sure.

Being a single girl and single traveler you must feel out the situation and make sure it is a safe one. We met up around 9:00 and enjoyed a drink in the lobby of the courtyard. His name is Paul. Paul from Ireland. We talked and he was telling me about his sons and his wife. So don’t worry, no shady business! He was a perfectly nice gentleman! Anyway, he asked me if I had ridden in a tuk tuk yet. I said no. We walked to the end of the street and grabbed one into Patong. It is a small, red car with open seating. It was really fun twisting and turning around the same streets that I had previously been going around in a bus.

Imagine a mini Shinjuku or Las Vegas and you have found yourself in Patong. The wild neon lights reflecting upon the rain soaked streets and many more interesting people. From foreigners to he/shes it was an interesting crowd. We walked around and enjoyed the streets people. It is a pretty seedy area you could say, but, I felt entirely safe. I was able to pet two iguanas and fold a lemur monkey. I have several pictures with the monkey. If they did not get so big, I would enjoy having one as a pet. They are absolutely adorable. He just climbed all over me  His little hands were so cute. Aaawww! I’m getting all smiley just thinking about it.

We continued to hop around looking at the various shops, bars, night clubs, gentlemen clubs, and met some other people along the way. We all stayed together and had a fantastic evening. We hopped back in a tuk tuk and I just got back a little while ago. I have a tour tomorrow of Phi Phi National Park. I am quite excited to see what is in store.

Time for sleep so I can enjoy the tour tomorrow. Good night Phuket 

Day 4

“Bring, Bring” went the phone at 7:45 A.M. I had slept through my alarm and my small, shuttle bus was waiting for me at the front of the hotel. I apologized to the other couple that was waiting in the bus. I figured this was going to be a long bus ride…

We began talking a little and were mostly sitting and observing what started out to be a crummy day with clouds and showers. We were riding along when we suddenly had to stop. Out of my window was an adorable parade of elementary school children with the occasional adult to keep everything in order. It was a parade for Ramadan, I am assuming. I had no idea that it was the “season” for Ramadan. It was an adorable parade with children happily walking down the street, waving, and smiling.

We rode in the bus for a little over an hour before we finally reached the marina. We soon were boarding our various boats and were off on our rainy island adventure. The day began pretty crummy. We were wearing our ponchos as we blasted over the choppy waves to our first island. We arrived about 10:00 and had about 45 minutes to venture around the first location. We were on Maya Island which is part of Phi Phi Island. I had met the only other English speaking person on the boat. His name is Gerry. He is also the one American I have met while being in Thailand. The entire rest of the boat was filled with bitter looking Russians. I am not sure why but a majority of the time I feel like they are never enjoying themselves! Anyway, we docked our boat and hopped out.

We were presented with a few options of being able to swim, stay on the beach, or walk back to see another cove. I wanted to do some walking because I knew that we would be able to swim later. The walk back to the other cove was amazing. I left my sandals on the boat and only brought my camera. I walked as the soft sand crumbled beneath my footsteps. It was pretty much close to magical. The scenery around me looked a bit like Jurassic Park with the huge, towering rocks with trees and sand. Just a bit further back we came upon some rocks. We had to climb over the pokey, little things then the big ones before we could climb the ladder to the top.

Once we got to the wooden ladder, we had to climb about 15 steps which were covered in rubber to protect our feet and also to prevent us from sliding. Just when I thought this could not have been worth it due to the pain of walking over the rocks, I got to the top and my breath was taken away. It was by far one of the most beautiful views I have ever witnessed. We took pictures and just enjoyed the view of the huge rocks covered with trees and moss jutting out of the crystal clear water. I stood there and realized that I was in Thailand, alone, enjoying this amazing place…

Then we had to walk back down the ladder, over the big rocks, and over the little rocks back to the smooth, white sand. The sand felt great after walking over the treacherous rocks. It was time to walk back and get on the boat for our next island adventure. Next up was the island that became famous because of the movie “The Beach” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. We boarded the boat and zipped off.

We rode for awhile when all of a sudden we were entering into this breathtakingly beautiful cove. It looked like a postcard and like one of the scenes straight out of the movie “The Beach”. The water was a crystal clear turquoise in which you could see to the bottom. The blue and yellow fish fluttered happily around our boat as we were coming into the cove. We stopped for about half an hour to jump in and enjoy the warm turquoise water.

The water was very deep so we did not have to fear anything around us. It felt great to jump off the side of the boat into the wonderfully warm water. It was quite salty as I swam around and bits of water seep into your mouth. Blahk!  Regardless, it was amazing looking up and seeing the rocks and looking out to see an old Thai fishing boat. The scene is only something I can even try to describe to you. The pictures don’t even really do it justice either but it will simply have to do. We were back on the boat and off to Monkey Island.

Monkey Island is exactly what is says. It is an island filled with small monkeys. Our tour guides gave us fruits to be able to feed the monkeys. They were a bit aggressive but come on we are people…with food! Of course they are going to be aggressive they are all fighting for our food! We stayed there about 20 minutes just long enough to feed them and get pictures. Then we were off to our destination to go snorkeling.

I am not sure where it was that we went snorkeling but it was great. The weather was only cooperating half of the day. If the sun had been out once we reached our destination for snorkeling it would have been better. But, it wasn’t and that is okay. We reached our destination and I simply could not be bothered to put on my flippers. I am not entirely a fan because they hurt my feet sometimes so I decided it would feel good to let my feet just flip through the water naturally. I grabbed my mask, slipped it over my head, and jumped in!

It was amazingly clear and the fish were all around. You could feel a few of them nibble on your toes one even bit my shoulder. It was kind of funny because it was such a small bite but you could definitely feel it. It was great to see all the coral reefs and all the various tropical fish. I had never been snorkeling in what quite so clear ever in my life. The reefs were far enough down that you did not have a fear of running into them especially since I decided to snorkel barefoot.

I snorkeled for a good thirty or forty minutes before I came back up on the boat. It was now time for lunch. We zipped over to another part of Phi Phi where we were able to eat a beautiful lunch with every type of Thai food. It was delicious. We sat out over looking the vast ocean. After lunch, I walked along the coast and climbed over some rocks. I sat down, took some pictures so that when I get stressed back in Japan or whenever in my life, I can remember that moment and how I felt.

It is an amazing feeling when you are traveling alone. I love traveling with friends and family but it is completely different when you are alone. When you are alone you are your own schedule not any one else. You can take all the time in the world to reflect on whatever it is that is going on in your life. I spend so much of my time with other people that this trip really was very rewarding. Sure, I saw people and have had conversation but in general I have chosen to spend my time alone and in silence. When you are in such a beautiful place there is no need for conversation when really it is nice to sit in silence and take in everything that is around.

After lunch it was a bit rainy so we jetted over to another island which there was a bar and a café. I enjoyed a coffee as I watched the rain fall all around me. I love rain and the sound of it when I am in a comfortable place. A place where I do not have to commute. A place exactly like where I was. I understand where we get the word paradise and how it is applied.

We enjoyed drinks and around 4:00 headed back to the marina. At this point, I was absolutely exhausted and wanted to simply take a nap. Once we got back, I had a personal sedan take me back to my hotel. The ride home took about 30 minutes. His English was quite good but I simply wasn’t in the mood to talk. At one point, I did tell him he could turn on the music. It was nice looking out over the coast and zipping around the corners of the rode back to the hotel while listening to music.

There was quite a bit of rain and about 25 minutes into our journey we ran into a small problem. What lay ahead of us was what seemed to be a scene out of national geographic. I felt like I was a in a scene in Africa or India. The streets were flooded with brown water as people carried food in their shirts and on their heads to sift through all of the water. We had to drive through this water which was knee deep on most people. I could feel the water racing under the floorboards. It was certainly an eerie feeling. We made it through just fine. Unfortunately, I only have one picture for show.

I made it back safe and sound to my hotel room. I immediately slipped into my night gown and hopped into my fluffy king size bed. I pressed the “at your service” button and asked for a wake up call at 6:00 P.M. I was starting to not feel very good so decided to sleep for about an hour. The phone call came far too soon and I just lay in bed with a horrible not in my stomach. I could not move. I lay there until 7:00 when at that point I wanted some noodles.

I went down to the MoMo2Go café to get some noodles. I got back to my room, heated them up, had one bite, was disgusted and went back to bed for an extremely deep sleep. I watched the discovery channel, Oprah, and BBC News before I fell asleep again until 8:15 this next morning…

Day 5

Today was nice and relaxing. I decided if it were rainy, I would go shopping and if it were sunny I would go to the beach. Unfortunately it was rainy. I started my day by calling in an in-room breakfast. I ordered toast, cereal, and fruit juice. I hopped in the shower and like clock work it was there in my room in twenty minutes, as promised.

I sat in my waffle material robe in my overstuffed chair and enjoyed this great breakfast since I had not been able to enjoy dinner the night before. I watched the travel channel again and switched between that, the biggest loser, and Oprah. You never really know how much you “miss” television until it is gone. I have never been one to sit in front of the television for hours but sometimes it is a nice mindless tool in which to entertain yourself or help wind down.

I then got ready for the day, as I had my last fitting for all of my clothing. Fortunately, they brought everything to me and I was able to try on everything at the hotel and tell them if size was okay or not. I am still uncertain about the shoulder pads in the blazers but I think it is no problem. I gave them the last of what I owed them and they were off. It took 15 minutes and they had everything for me this evening. I then ventured out to The Plaza Surin which is a nice boutique mall. I shopped around and found a few wonderful things to bring home. I stayed about two hours before venturing back towards the hotel.

On my way back I stumbled across the Lemongrass House which is a store that sells amazing spa products. I tested almost everything in the store before decided on what I really wanted to bring back to Japan with me. I also found this beautiful white, linen shirt with the company’s logo and name in Thai. I bought it because it looks very bohemian and artsy and because I cannot read what is on the back of the shirt, it is not touristy to me  I then ventured back the shop fronts with friendly staff that welcomes me everyday. As I walked into the hotel, I was greeting with the usual greetings and one particular member asked me a quick question. She knew that my flight was not until later tomorrow night and asked if I would like to keep my room until 5:00 P.M. I was floored and kindly accepted this offer – FREE.OF.CHARGE! With a smile, I went to my room, put on my bikini, and headed to the pool.

I enjoyed happy hour by the pool and decided to catch one of the last sunsets I may be able to enjoy in Thailand. As the black clouds began to role in the sun beautifully set behind the thundering beasts. Once dark, the rain began to pour as I sat inside Catch Beach Club enjoying the pouring rain hitting the porch of the restaurant. I enjoyed a gorgeous meal of red curry lobster and salad. It was simply incredible.

I just walked back under the illuminated lanterns that guided my way gently back to the front steps of the hotel. I was, as always, helped across the street and greeted by the taxi drivers at the stand next to the hotel. I always say “Sawasdee Ka” (hello) and end at my hotel with a “Kap Khun Ka” (thank you). Thai people really are so nice. I was a little afraid as a single traveler that I was going to not be able to say that about the Thais. They really do have your best interest at hand - always smiling and greeting wanting to be genuinely nice and make a basic living. I can safely say that I would love to go back to Thailand and enjoy the company of the natives. It is a wonderful country.

Good night and talk to you tomorrow for my last day here in Thailand.

Day 6

I returned to my room last night only to realize that house keeping innocently forgot to give me a new breakfast menu to fill out and put on the door. I realized my first two mornings that going to the breakfast buffet was a bit expensive and not needed. I discovered the in-room dining and decided it was a much better experience. I could sit in the privacy of my own room and enjoy the beautifully delectable meal in my room while once again I was curled up in my waffle material robe, watching television, with my glass doors wide open to the world and I was sitting there, alone, indulging in mango and papaya on my last day in paradise – it was heavenly.

I packed my bag, changed into my bikini, and went to the beach. I got in a little bit of sun and reading before the clouds really rolled in. I could see in the near distance where the rain line was. I decided it would be a good idea to move inside and not within two minutes was it pouring rain. I sat and drank the rest of the diet coke I had ordered and then decided to order that same prawn fried rice I had ordered before. I sat there bundled up in my towel reading Confessions of a Shopaholic. My food came and I enjoyed it slowly as I enjoy every last morsel of that rice. It was then time for the last of my beauty treatments.

I went to my ladies Bang, Ko, and No (pronunciation not proper spelling). These were the ladies that have been mending and bending me all week long. I decided I was a little full from lunch and started in with a 30 minute foot massage, followed by a 30 minute back massage, ending with a wonderful pedicure. I sat under the canopy looking out over the water between the showers and the rays. After my beauty treatments I went and lounged on a chair.

Since my toes were wet, I sat in a lounge chair up on deck that over looked all of Surin beach. I lay there with my eyes closed allowing the sun to seep into my skin and into my bones. I didn’t listen to music but rather the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

They finally had to put a sign in the water warning swimmers and surfers from the dangers of the riptide. I had witnessed two kids almost drown and be whisked away by the huge waves. Lifeguards and their parents dove in the water after them. They were finally brought back into safety and the sign was placed immediately after. It was interesting to see the reaction of everyone. The parents got massages after the incident. I don’t blame them.

At 4:00, I went back to my room to shower and pack my bag. I looked around and walked the pathway one last time before I had to go back into the hotel one final time. I finished packing and called one of the sweet bell captains to come get my bags. I could have carried them myself but decided since the service was there to go ahead and take full advantage of it. I left the hotel at 5:00 to go enjoy my last hour in paradise. As the clouds were separating and the sun was setting and went to Catch one last time.

I sat on a white leather couch with a wicker base. I enjoyed a Singha beer while the sun was setting. It was glistening in the waves and created a moment of pixie dust across the surface. There was a gorgeous moon doggie (rainbow in the clouds) as the sun continued to rest against the backdrop of the clouds. I sat there, smiled, and couldn’t believe that I had just taken a week vacation, alone, to a country so foreign and different; I kind of wanted to cry at the beauty of this very moment. To see where I am in my life. It is fun. It is wonderful. It is miraculous  I love my life. I hope to keep saying this very phrase when I am on my death bed at the age of 102 

At 6:10, I had to break away and say good-bye to this wondrous place. I walked slowly back up the path for which was officially the last time I would walk. I said good-bye to the hotel staff and thanked them for their amazing hospitality, for making me feel so welcome and honestly “at home”. I got into my “cab” and was off to the airport at 6:17.

My driver apologized for being late. I laughed. He spoke wonderful English and at the end of the ride gave me his business card so I could give him a call and he would come pick me up from the airport the next time I came. I thought it was sweet. I took his card and put it in my wallet. I placed my hands in the prayer position one last time, smiled, and said “Kap Khun Ka” (thank you). I wheeled my bags into the terminal and checked my one box of spa goodies. I had a small dinner and then went through security to my gate and waited for my flight to Bangkok. This was the first of what ended up being many flights for me.

I boarded the plane and within a short while I was up in the air and then on the ground in Bangkok. I had checked my box through to Narita so I was able to grab my bags and go straight to my hotel. I was greeted by a massive rain storm when I finally made it through the terminal and to the bus. It died down enough to safely get out at the hotel but picked up again by the time I reached my room. I got ready for bed and did not think another thing of it. I hit the “dial a smile” button and ordered a wake up call for about 5:00. My flight was at 6:50 so I needed to leave the hotel no later than 5:30…

Day 7

I checked out and thought I was in the clear to race to the airport and get checked in…

1 comment:

photograbock said...

Dang girl!!!!!!!!! I wanna read about your trip, but this thing is WAAAAAAAAAY too long! Ahhhhhh! I'll wait for the shorter blog-friendly version (I think that's what you mean by "Need to Edit" right???)!!!!

Besides that, hope you're having a good time! Can't wait to see pics...I love Thailand!!