Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The adventures continue!! ONE BIG WEEK!!

Thursday Aug 21:

Well Linda and Sally came to visit me!!! For those of you who do not know Linda and Sally…

Linda was my favorite communications professor at LFC. I had her for 3 different classes. She wrote a paper, submitted it, and was accepted to come to Japan to present her paper. Her partner, Sally, came along for the trip too! After they spent a few days in Tokyo for the convention that Linda was at they traveled north to Hokkaido. They were up there for almost 2 weeks before flying from Sapporo to Narita. WELL! Narita is a mere 30 minutes HINT HINT to you ALL (COME VISIT ME). I took the train to pick them up and they spent the last 2 days of their vacation with me in Itako!

We arrived back in Itako, bags and all. I knew of a restaurant close to the train station. We tried it out! Considering I am new here I still have not had the opportunity to try out every restaurant. It ended up being Korean. DELICIOUS! Sally only eats seafood so she stuck to more basic foods. Linda and I ordered amazing dishes with salad, rice, meat that you cooked on the grill yourself, etc. It was great! We then went to the cab stand and took a cab back here to my apt.

When we got home, I showed them the place. HAHA. Not much to show but still fun to have visitors nonetheless. We then sat down to watch the Olympics. Women’s softball where Japan beat the socks off of USA. It was a great end to our little visit. I then had errands to run Friday…

Friday Aug 22:

Friday we woke up and Sally was correct we would not leave until noon. We woke up and chatted. It was wonderful having this experience with one of my favorite professors! We then were off to see the Choon Ji. The temple here in my town…remember the really pretty one with all the lanterns? That one. It is very close to my house so we walked to the temple and then to lunch.

We were supposed to be picked up by Yamada-san at 2:00pm to go get my car insurance situation taken care of. I realized we were running a bit late. I also did not have access to my car/ have a keitai (cell phone). I know the word for phone, denwa. I asked the staff at this little ramen joint if they had a denwa. Sure enough, through the kitchen I went!!! I was laughing so hard! I called John so he could communicate to Yamada-san that we were going to be late. He said no problem. Literally 10 minutes later, John called the restaurant back and through the kitchen I went again. John told me that Yamada-san was running late and that our plans had changed to 3:00.

We were then off (Linda, Sally, John, Yamada-san, and I) to the car dealership to take care of business. Once again, as always, interesting encounters. I am trying with this whole Japanese thing! It is hard! I pretty much signed my life away. Yamada-san has been the supervisor of JETs for a few years. He knows what to do with the car! After we took care of the car, we were off to Wondergoo…

Wondergoo (HAHHAHAHAHA) WHAT?! Wondergoo is a cellphone/electronic/everythingyoucouldeverwantmegastore! J They carry every cell phone provider here in Japan. I settled with AU because they offer English contracts. They also have some phones that are free and bilingual. All I had to pay for was the charger. Three hours later with a sleek black and red Panasonic phone…we left wondergoo. I wanted a pink cell but none of them were free or bilingual SOOO I went with another option. I apologized to Linda and Sally but they were enjoying themselves nonetheless and told me not to worry about it!

After wondergoo we all went to Genki sushi, the conveyor belt sushi joint. SUPER GOOD! We had great fun there and of course ate too much J Linda and Sally treated all of us! It was wonderful. Apparently on our way to the sushi place another earthquake occurred. I am assuming since we were in the car that we could not feel it. It was a 5.1 up north in Ibaraki but when it reached southern Ibaraki it was only a 3 J

After dinner we came home, looked up times for the trains back to Narita, chatted, and it was time for sleep.

Saturday Aug 23:

I rode with Linda and Sally to the train station. John helped us hire a cab to the train station. I checked on my bike and sure enough some punks let the air out of my tires. Ibaraki has some of the worst bike theft issues. On a positive note, my bike was still there thanks to the 2 locks I used. I now have to get new tires L

Anyway, I said bye to them and waited for my train up north. I was going to go to the Iwaki beach party but it was raining and a four hour commute for me. I decided instead to go to Mito for the day and enjoy a relaxing time in a café.

Soon after I got to the Starbucks in Mito, more people began to show up. None of us wanted to continue on to the beach. I mean what fun is a beach party if you cannot be on the beach?? We decided to go to a nearby mall and spend the afternoon there. It was great! I found quite a few decorations for my apartment. My apartment is really coming along. I will post photos soon when I have my apartment even more like the way I want it.

I wanted to come back from Mito on Saturday evening. The last train leaves at 8:10 pm. My new friend Emily, she is from Fresno, CA, came back to Itako with me. My other friend Rie came and picked us up from the station and we were off to see her friend’s band play at a local bar in Kamisu (down the road about 15 min). We were there late partying with the locals! I promised Rie that I would drive next time. Japan has a great system of no drinking and driving. Emily and I had a blast!! After the concert, Rie drove us home and it was sleepy time for us!

Sunday Aug 24:

Sunday was my official first LEGAL day of driving. I was a good girl and did not begin driving until then. It is not worth getting pulled over and in trouble. I LOVE driving on the left side! It is really fun J Emily and I slept late and I took her to the Genki Sushi place for lunch. We then came back, napped, and took showers.

I packed my car with a futon and spend the night bag. I braved driving Emily home. Emily lives in Mutsukaido, southwest Ibaraki. All in all, it took a while. We were turned around a bit but it was all fun! We were able to laugh and made it home safe. It is really nice being able to see other people’s apartments. Everyone’s apartments are nice but I definitely still think I got a great deal here in Itako!

Monday Aug 25:

I drove back from Mutsukaido. First I stopped at the big mall by Emily’s house. I once again shopped around for things for my apartment. There is too much blue. I know it’s hard to believe but it needs to be broken up! I am taking care of that with ease.

I then had to figure out how to get back…a few wrong turns and I was back on track and back home. The drive was very fun! I was glad to be able to get out and venture around. I just got nervous when I decided I needed to go in the direction of TOKYO! Yikes! But there was a turn way before I would get into Tokyo to get back to Itako.

I went to a late dinner with John at Coco’s. It is a chain restaurant here in Japan. It is very western style. He had pizza and I had Jambalaya, sound western – heck yes.

I came home and it was time for sleepy!

Tuesday Aug 26:

Today was great! I cleaned a bit and sorted bills then had fun!

John and I ventured to Kashima today. The third biggest shrine in Japan is found in Kashima. Kashima is only about 15/20 minutes away. I asked John if he wanted to join so he did! We walked all around. It was beautiful!

After the shrine it was off to find lunch. I wanted to also go to the beach so we went to this little place that John knew about. The little beach bum area was called Nula. It was great! I now know I am supposed to live by the water. I honestly could just up and join this little community of surfers.

John and I were the only customers at this little joint. We had lunch and coffee and really enjoyed our time there this afternoon. I could really stand to live this lifestyle forever.

My hot new car!!!

We then traveled north to Oarai, which is also by the ocean. It was great being by the ocean all day today! In Itako, I am only about 20 minutes from the coast but having not had a car recently has put my adventures around Ibaraki on hold. We shopped a bit. John needed a small backpack for our adventure to Mt. Fuji this weekend. We stopped and got dinner in Kamisu on our way back.

I am now back in my apartment, exhausted. I am off to Tokyo tomorrow by myself to venture around!! I will find a place to stay!

Until then…

I will be in Tokyo!!! Leaving in about an hour to go venture all the amazing sites and shopping Tokyo has to offer!! I begin school on Monday :) I give my self-introduction to the school! What a great vacation it has been for the past month!! Updates soon. Miss and love you guys! Please come visit! As you can see, Japan is amazing and has so much to offer!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Earthquake rattles Tokyo (that's me, 70 min. away)

A moderate earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 has rattled Tokyo, causing buildings to shake in the heart of the metropolis, officials say.

The epicentre of the earthquake was 50km underground in Ibaraki prefecture northeast of the capital, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Ibaraki police said they had no immediate reports of damage from the earthquake, which struck at 3.13pm (1613 AEST). No tsunami warning was issued.
Japan is hit by 20 per cent of the world's powerful earthquakes.


I LIVE IN IBARAKI for those of you who did not know! :) I was pleasantly sitting in my apartment teaching myself Japanese! Today was the day to begin learning! I figure 2 weeks in a foreign country in which I will be living in for at least the next year is a good mile marker to begin learning the language. So, next thing I know EVERYTHING in my entire apartment is shaking! I was like holy **** (fill in your own word) I am in the middle of an earthquake! WOW, my first one! I survived. I am sure there will be many more...

You guys definitely missed out on the insane storm we had last night. Once again, I was innocently in my apartment decorating :) and next thing I know there is lightening surrounding my apartment (I have windows on both sides of my apt), thunder, crazy rain, and extremely strong winds. That lasted about an hour. I was scared then more then I was when the earthquake happened.

I am now back home this evening after enjoying an afternoon of learning Japanese out and about. I decided around 5 this evening to venture out into Itako again. This time, on a mission to find John's apartment. He always travels here to my apt. and I never go over to his. He is out of town this week but needless to say I FOUND IT!!! I then turned around and traveled back where I live. I passed a beautiful field of...any guesses? I thought they were just beautiful.

I was then on down to this lounge I spotted last week. It was called the JBL music lounge. I was just going to go by and see if they were by chance open. On my way, I had to pass by the train station and I do not know about you BUT I think this is the fanciest train station sign I think I have ever seen!!

I continued on over the beautiful bridge with the boats below and low and behold Minoru (later found out his name) was standing in the door way waiting for customers. I figured this is my chance why not?! I had my phrase books and text books for learning. I had a beer (Budweiser of all kinds) and a glass of water. I studied Japanese for about an hour before I had the guts to strike up a small conversation! It was sooo rewarding!! His two daughters and wife came out to meet me. His eldest daughter, Natsumi, is 19 and is attending a university in Chiba, the prefecture just below mine. We talked for a long time before I said I needed some dinner. She and her mother, Mieko, took me (by took I mean drove) to the MARKET! WHAT?! Why are the Japanese SOOOO NICE! Come on AMERICA, pull it together! The Japanese definitely are a leg up on even us Americans. I picked up a few things while I was at the store. I bought a HUGE plate of sashimi, oishii (delicious). I tried a new fish today, cuttlefish. I am pretty sure it is now my favorite fish. It is a thicker, white fish...its fantastic! It the midst of it all, it began to rain. I stayed at the cafe until 10 pm. The rain started to slow down. They gave me plastic bags to wrap my purse. They even, get this, they even gave me a fashionable poncho! It is clear, has sleeves like a normal jacket, buttons, and has a hood!

The Japanese are amazing. I am so excited to be here even if there are earthquakes and typhoons :) More to come! My communications professor, Linda Horwitz, and her partner, Sally, are staying with me tomorrow night and Friday night! I know I will definitely have great stories to tell! Linda was one of my favorite professors at LFC and is one of the reasons I am on this program. She wrote one of my recommendations!

Until next time...I leave you with a few pictures :)

Aren't the tables cool?! They are in the shape of pianos :) oh yeah and my beer and water, blah blah.
View from my little seat.
I thought the wall paper was AWESOME! I of course had to get a silly photo! Come on! I was by myself! I had to have fun :)

My little bike after the storm in front of the cafe! Anyone that visits, we are going!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

DAY 3 of my adventure!! MITO Capitol of Ibaraki!

Well after a mere 4 hours of sleep due to check out being at 10 AM! WHAT?! I got some tea and waited for John to meet me at my hotel to help me get going where I needed to go to find my train to Mito, my prefectures capitol. I purchased a tickets for what I thought was the bullet train, guess it was just a super fast express train. Needless to say, I was in Mito in one hour.

The newbies in my prefecture all met at a Starbucks near the train station and we split into groups of three and were off on a three hour scavenger hunt! It was great fun and a good way to discover Mito. We returned after three hours and then went on to dinner at a pub in the city. We had delicious food and great company! I was able to hang out with Annelyse, a friend I made at orientation in Tokyo. We are becoming great friends and are planning a few visits :) It was then on to Karaoke for two hours and ending the evening with new friends at Crystal's apartment in Mito. I packed enough from Thursday to be able to spend the night out three nights. Crystal, also a new JET from Trinidad Tobago, was so sweet to host us. She walked us to the bus station this morning so we could make various trains back to our cities :) an hour and 40 minutes later, I found myself home sweet home...

I'm exhausted :) relaxing and movie time. PS. I definitely took a three hour nap this afternoon! So much fun...I suppose I will sleep when I'm dead!!

Posting more adventures soon! Miss you all!

One of the biggest beers I have EVER seen! It was delicious! :)

My new best bud here in Ibaraki!!! Annelyse! Definitely more adventures to come with her!!

David as his alter ego, Michelle :) At Karaoke!

Left to right: Zac, Adam, John, Mikhel, and Andrew. Canada, UK, and Porto Rico represent! Great time singing our little hearts out!!!

Tokyo by night :) Shibuya, Ebi-Su, and Rappongi!

It was time to meet up with John. I took the subway to the stop he was staying near. I found a little hotel just for me :) Hotel Excellent! haha! The price wasn't bad considering I checked in at 10 pm! While John and another friend Paulette went to dinner, I got ready because I was feeling gross from walking around Tokyo all day. I showered and changed into a new, fresh dress :) John and Paulette were back to get me and we were off to explore more, get drinks, and have fun!a>

John, Paulette, and I with 2 Professional Rugby players! We later saw them at the police station! yikes! Glad we didn't continue to hang out with them!! This was at the heartland beer lounge. It was a nice place! It was then more wandering around trying to find the perfect place to go!...

This was literally a hole in the wall. Charel, tall lanky guy I am grabbing on to, said that there was this place he knew about that was literally a door on a wall with no label. Sure enough, we found it! HAHA! So see this girl at the bottom right of this photo...good you located her...WOW! was she a wreck! She came stumbling into the lounge and in the end of it all PASSED OUT AT THE BAR TOP! The other people in this picture wanted to get a picture by her so we could capture this hilarious moment! We thought it was hysterical that this girl was that stupid to get THAT drunk.

Paulette and I around 4 AM with a random Spaniard :) hahaha! We were on our way to a 24/7 Chinese restaurant to get dumplings, she wanted a photo with him :) So we took one!

The view of my hotel at 5:30 am! We stayed up all night exploring :) It was time for me to get a few hours of shut eye because I had a whole new day of adventure awaiting me. I took the train to Mito for a welcome party for new JETs!


Well, if the beginning of the week with the obon festival in full bloom weren't enough...Thursday until today were incredible!!!

Thursday morning, I woke up, packed a bag, took a shower, and biked up to the bus station. John and I had plans prior from me departing Itako to meet up in Tokyo and hang out. So by 2:00 pm, I was in Tokyo. John met me at Tokyo Station which was great and we were able to get coffee and a little snack before heading to Ebi-Su. Ebi-Su is a wonderful little part of Tokyo, very French - Mom, You would LOVE IT!. John and I stopped by a little market filled with goods and purchased a few things for the park we were going to. We met with new friends and enjoyed an afternoon and evening filled with great food, awesome company, tons of laughter and smiles. We sat around talking, played games, ran around, it was really fun to meet so many new people! John told me to just pack a bag and not worry about having a place to stay. I did just that. I have noticed everything in Japan seems to just happen. Magically everything always seems to just come together. So I was able to stay with some friends of John's.

Friday, I went with two guys I had just met into Tokyo. They were visiting as well from another part of the island. Also JETs. We explored all over! We headed first to Tokyo Tower. Tokyo tower was built in 1958 (yay! 50 year anniversary), it is an old television tower which is now turned into an observation facility to view the wonderful areas of Tokyo from way above the ground.

After we spent a majority of the day walking around and hanging out at Tokyo Tower we went into Shinjuku to meet another friend. The four of us went to a Okonomiyaki restaurant. When you sit down at the table there is a grill in the middle of the table, like traditional Japanese steak houses, you know what I'm talking about, right? The "pancake" type food is delicious! You can order virtually anything you want to put into the pancake. The base is cabbage, raw egg, some pancake mix, with the meat on top. You put oil on the grill and cook your meat. While the meat is cooking, you mix the other mixture together, take the meat off the grill and add it to the mixture. Then place it all back on the grill to cook for a few minutes. You then can add a variety of sauces! Oishii!!! Delicious :)

It was then bye bye to those friends and back to meet up with John and company...

new blog for picture sake :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pictures from Obon Festival :)

Choon ji
Inside the temple. Aki gave me a coin to throw into the wooden box at the base of this picture. I said a little prayer :)
Amongst the lanterns :) It was very powerful seeing so many of them! Very beautiful.
The Mayor!
Nobuko! My other new friend :) Her daughter is at Hinode elementary school, by my apartment. We are going to play Tennis on Sunday together :)

Have I said HOW MUCH I LOVE JAPAN, yet?

So today I spoke with family and friends (Katie, Jordon, and James :) ) via Skype. Skype is such an incredible device! After that I braved the heat and biked around Itako for a good 2.5 hours. For a town being so small, there is a lot to see. I biked around restaurants, found a great bakery, a few parks, and of course, the many flowers and bodies of water that run through my wonderful town. I thought this sunflower was very pretty, so I stopped to take a picture :)
This is one of the rivers in Itako. It is the Venice of Japan. There are little ladies at the top of the bridges offering rides. I think I am going to take one next week when I have company! My professor from college is coming to visit!! She conveniently is already here but she is staying with me for two nights :)
I promised myself that once I got to Japan I would buy myself fresh flowers :) So on my way home I stopped by the market and picked up these beautiful flowers :) It was then time to get ready for dinner with Aki. Aki is the teacher that John teaches with. She is awesome! She is also 22 and just graduated from college. She speaks English which is great for me. I am feeling great that I have two Japanese friends. Therefore, I do not have to depend on John to translate for me. It's great! After dinner we came back to my apartment for tea before the Obon festival. All of Japan is honouring the Obon period. It is a period of time to honor loved ones, ancestors, etc. We are luck here in Itako and have an incredible temple right down the street from my apartment. Aki let me borrow her Yukata (its for festivals during the warmer months) since this was my first festival!!! It was so exciting! The benefit FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE BEING 5'0 tall!!! She too is 5'0 tall!! So here I am below in all my Yukata glory. I also ran into the Mayor and took a picture with him :) I will post those in a bit.
Don't I fit right in??? Right.... HAHA! It was nice anyway! Everyone said I looked great, or that's what Aki told me they were saying :) I am not completely sure yet considering I don't speak Japanese...I'm workin' on it.

Aki and I!