Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hey, want to go to the beach??...

..."Sure" I said. John rode over to my apartment yesterday morning and we were off to the bus station. I created land marks for myself so I could get back at night. John is staying in Tokyo all week so I would have to figure out how to get back myself :) We made plans to go into Tokyo and when he arrived at my apartment he asked if I was interest in going to a beach party! I said sure...I mean hello?! Who is going to turn down going to the beach? Not me :)

At the bus station we met Nobuko, an indirect friend of John's. Nobuko's mother ran in a marathon with John last summer. Nobuko recognized John and came over to talk. She was on her way to go do water sports. We exchanged contacts because she actually speaks English :) Good for me considering I have only been here one week!

We rode the hour and some odd minutes it takes to get into Tokyo - SUPER fast! John and I went to a cafe and he left his goods with me while he has his language class. I studied a map and tried to locate the areas I wish to visit while I am here. We then went to Shibuya, an area of Tokyo, and went to this insane shop called 109. It was PACKED with girls and floor after floor of mass produced clothing. It was nuts! We had only an hour there and then it was time to meet up with John's friends to go to the beach.

We had about a 15 minute walk to the shore and it was cloudy but we went swimming anyway :) I changed on the beach, "California style". Thanks to my cousins :) I know how to wrap a towel around myself and change! I had never done was an experience. We took some photos with a few Japanese kids on the beach with us. They wanted in our pics! It was awesome! We swam out to sea and then came back in to play beach volleyball and chill out on the beach. Later on, we went to a beach party with music, dancing, and a man dresses as Borat (for those of you who do not know Borat, please do a Google search so you can see how I am now scared for life). ha ha!

After the long day at the beach and the awesome party...we took the train back into Tokyo. John helped me catch the right bus back, made it home in an hour and 10 minutes. I quickly rode my bike back in the dark through the rice fields...yikes, it was scary. I made it home fine. When I got home I had an e-mail from Nobuko.

Hi, lauren

please call me around 13:00.
you can come to my home.
i pick you up at our apartment.
give me your address.

from Nobuko Takaishi

Then it was shower time and excitement for a new day!!

This morning I slept in a bit, cleaned, ate lunch, and got ready for my day with Nobuko!

She arrived a little after 13:00 :) We walked back to her family's home and exchanged great conversation and shared pictures :) She gave me a pair of AMAZINGLY comfortable home sandals, her friend makes them! They are dark and light blue. She gave them to me as a present. As we were talking, I was talking about my town and how wonderful it is but also how nice it is getting out. One thing lead to the next and before I knew it we were on our way to Kashima, the town over from Itako. For you soccer fans, Kashima held the world cup a few years ago. I am going to be making plans to go to a soccer game whenever I find time!

I went with Nobuko to her Pilates class to watch and see if I was interested in taking the class myself. I am very excited to know about this source because I am interested in taking an exercise class. :) We then went to the mall for a nice dinner and on an adventure of frames for me. Nobody seems to sell the picture frame that I know. Suppose I will just have to travel back in to Tokyo...DARN! haha!

I just got home and just turned my TV on for the first time. Guess the Olympics it is :)

Time to paint my nails and add the super cool gems I bought to put on my nails! I'm trying to fit in! hahahaha.

Talk soon :)

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