Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Have I said HOW MUCH I LOVE JAPAN, yet?

So today I spoke with family and friends (Katie, Jordon, and James :) ) via Skype. Skype is such an incredible device! After that I braved the heat and biked around Itako for a good 2.5 hours. For a town being so small, there is a lot to see. I biked around restaurants, found a great bakery, a few parks, and of course, the many flowers and bodies of water that run through my wonderful town. I thought this sunflower was very pretty, so I stopped to take a picture :)
This is one of the rivers in Itako. It is the Venice of Japan. There are little ladies at the top of the bridges offering rides. I think I am going to take one next week when I have company! My professor from college is coming to visit!! She conveniently is already here but she is staying with me for two nights :)
I promised myself that once I got to Japan I would buy myself fresh flowers :) So on my way home I stopped by the market and picked up these beautiful flowers :) It was then time to get ready for dinner with Aki. Aki is the teacher that John teaches with. She is awesome! She is also 22 and just graduated from college. She speaks English which is great for me. I am feeling great that I have two Japanese friends. Therefore, I do not have to depend on John to translate for me. It's great! After dinner we came back to my apartment for tea before the Obon festival. All of Japan is honouring the Obon period. It is a period of time to honor loved ones, ancestors, etc. We are luck here in Itako and have an incredible temple right down the street from my apartment. Aki let me borrow her Yukata (its for festivals during the warmer months) since this was my first festival!!! It was so exciting! The benefit FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE BEING 5'0 tall!!! She too is 5'0 tall!! So here I am below in all my Yukata glory. I also ran into the Mayor and took a picture with him :) I will post those in a bit.
Don't I fit right in??? Right.... HAHA! It was nice anyway! Everyone said I looked great, or that's what Aki told me they were saying :) I am not completely sure yet considering I don't speak Japanese...I'm workin' on it.

Aki and I!

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