Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Growing up into a Grown-up...

...it is a really interesting position to be in. This "growing-up" sector of our lives, it's exciting and painful all at the same time. I can tell I am transitioning into being a "grown-up" by daily happenings and choices.
Currently, I am sick and in Japan. I have no one to take care of me, other than me. I am taking all the precautions that one should take when being sick. I am staying in bed, watching movies, taking medication, and drinking lots of fluids. Its strange, these new stages of life that we are entering into. When I was sick as a child and even into my teens, my mom would make Campbell's chicken noodle soup and an amazing grilled cheese sandwich made in the seashell grilled cheese maker. Yesterday I found myself making my own chicken noodle soup. I had bought three mini cans in Tokyo over Christmas break thinking to myself these will come in handy. I had also bought a three piece loaf of whole grain bread (yes, three pieces - they like their white bread). While the soup was on the stove top, I pulled out two of the three pieces of bread and toasted them. I stirred the soup and continued to toast the bread. I pulled out the butter and buttered one side of each piece of toast - watched it melt. I put two slices of cheese on either side of the bread and ketchup in the center - back into the oven it went. This feeling of nostalgia, its an interesting one.
I can also tell I am growing into my adulthood by simple every day decisions. I always saw in the movies and on TV that grown ups were taking bubble baths and reading novels. I now find myself in this position. However, I feel I am a bit Japanese in my system of taking a bath. The Japanese take a proper shower prior to entering the bath. I always found growing up until this point that it was a bit disgusting to take a bath after a long day...prior to showering that is. I have now reversed what I was taught as a child and am quite taken to the Japanese style of taking a bath - sort of. For the past three nights I have found myself fully showering and then enjoying a bubble bath while reading the novel "Eat.Pray.Live".
I am finding myself filling my shoes that were once too big for me. I am growing. I am discovering. Whilst the discovering does come pain but also a new world of happiness. I can't wait to keep going. Its all I can seem to really think about - how to make my life more exciting. Where will I go next? Who will I meet? I am currently not looking for love. However, if it were to cross my path I would not and could not complain. My standards have become so high - I am not looking at this as a bad thing but rather a really good thing. I refuse to settle. Honestly, I have pity on those whose books are already closed or perhaps were never really open. Those who do not travel or explore their interests simply stay on one page of their life's book and can never turn the next page...I pity them.
Being twenty-three and living in a foreign country sounds so appealing...to some...perhaps not to all. It is appealing. I am happy to be single and exploring the world. I am turning the pages of my life's book every day and perhaps adding more content as I go - I know that I am. Today as I lay in bed, I had motivation to study Japanese. I am beginning to read katakana (characters used for foreign words)- its incredible. I never thought I'd be studying Japanese of all languages. It is difficult and won't happen over night but slowly and surely its happening.
Life throws us so many obstacles, I am continuing to love these difficult times, these...well...trying times...these times of real growth. The time now is for me to throw myself out there and see what I can catch and who can catch me. I have no idea what is in store for me after Japan, it doesn't really matter now. I am trying to be a sponge and suck up every good challenge and memory that presents itself. I am being selfish and it feels so good...


Anna Mertens said...

Lauren, I love your blog. It makes me want to actually work on mine..haha! I used to have the same back ground as you, but then I changed it. I can never keep the same thing too long. You can check out my blog at http://www.annajets.blogspot.com I will add you as a blog I am following. I am sorry you are sick, get well soon!

kitty said...

hmm what is this all about? Also what you may think as someone not living their life to them they are. What matters is how you live your life not others and to not judge those that live their lives differently.

Ana Simona said...

I feel the same way here in Romania...and it is in the little things that I feel slipping away and it makes a little part of me nostalgic and sad. I just have to make sure none of the important, interesting parts slip away. So I go outside, take pictures, or do something silly. I can't wait to see you in April! Still making trip plans with my fam, but what are good days for u??