Friday, February 13, 2009

May I interest you in some GYOZA?! Let's GO!

Well, Kathryn had left me all alone in Japan by myself. So, I made plans to go visit Annelyse in her small town of Koga. I was told that the city of Utsunomiya was famous for gyoza, Japanese dumplings. Utsunomiya is about 40 minutes by train away from Annelyse. We had a long weekend and we said why not!? We boarded the train fairly early on Sunday morning so we could make it there in time for a gyoza lunch. The best gyoza is apparently found at a little place called Mi Mi's, it is located in the train station. We ordered a box and got it to go. We went and sat at Starbucks and enjoyed these marvelous little things! It was then off to see this new city! Well low and behold we ran into a very nice little new years festival. The day was gorgeous and I had my film camera in was into the market for us! The picture below is of new years decorations that people hang in their houses, I believe. Below are these little wooden dolls called daruma! They are to bring you luck within one year. You make a wish and color in one eye. When your wish comes true you fill in the other eye. On the next new years eve the daruma is burned. New dolls are purchased each year for another years worth of luck! Annelyse and I each bought a doll :) So here is to good luck and fortune in the next year!
More kitchy little festival goods.
It was time for a choc-o-banana! I mean really...How could you resist those? They are so beautiful and the price was too! =D They were delicious!
Annelyse about to enjoy her choc-o-banana with whipped cream! The lady that decided to put whipped cream on top was a genius! The banana, chocolate, and whipped cream tasted so heavenly! Then I think it is hilarious seeing the man in black behind. He looks so creepy!
These are baby shrimps. The man selling them stopped Annelyse and I to talk with us. He gave us each a little sample of these little things. They are sweet but aren't particularly delicious. They are served most times at bars to enjoy with a beer.
Annelyse and I then spent the rest of our day enjoying getting a manicure and pedicure. We found a little shop with reasonable prices! It was so nice to have a semi pampered day. It wasn't like home nor were the prices like home but I could not complain! After enjoying our little ladies day it was off to a delicious Indian food dinner :) We enjoyed two different curries and coconut Nan! OMG...coconut Nan is incredible. It should have been a dessert! We then walked around to find a jazz club. Utsunomiya is also known for jazz music. However, once we found the club, we decided it was too expensive. We continued to walk around the city and settled on tiny bottles of wine to walk around and enjoy the night views! Below is Utsunomiya castle =D I thought the picture turned out nicely!
Annelyse and I decided to walk in the street and have a little fun! We then boarded the train and were back home around 11:30 PM. We skyped with Annelyses momma for a bit. It was fun and then we just relaxed and went to sleep! It was then up in the morning for kaitin sushi and back to Tokyo for birthday shopping for sissy!! Then home sweet home to Itako =D
Party in the street! Why not?!

1 comment:

kitty said...

yall are rock stars. I miss you so much. ANNELYSE I LOVE YOU LIKE A FAT KID LOVES CAKE