Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Earthquake rattles Tokyo (that's me, 70 min. away)

A moderate earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 has rattled Tokyo, causing buildings to shake in the heart of the metropolis, officials say.

The epicentre of the earthquake was 50km underground in Ibaraki prefecture northeast of the capital, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Ibaraki police said they had no immediate reports of damage from the earthquake, which struck at 3.13pm (1613 AEST). No tsunami warning was issued.
Japan is hit by 20 per cent of the world's powerful earthquakes.


I LIVE IN IBARAKI for those of you who did not know! :) I was pleasantly sitting in my apartment teaching myself Japanese! Today was the day to begin learning! I figure 2 weeks in a foreign country in which I will be living in for at least the next year is a good mile marker to begin learning the language. So, next thing I know EVERYTHING in my entire apartment is shaking! I was like holy **** (fill in your own word) I am in the middle of an earthquake! WOW, my first one! I survived. I am sure there will be many more...

You guys definitely missed out on the insane storm we had last night. Once again, I was innocently in my apartment decorating :) and next thing I know there is lightening surrounding my apartment (I have windows on both sides of my apt), thunder, crazy rain, and extremely strong winds. That lasted about an hour. I was scared then more then I was when the earthquake happened.

I am now back home this evening after enjoying an afternoon of learning Japanese out and about. I decided around 5 this evening to venture out into Itako again. This time, on a mission to find John's apartment. He always travels here to my apt. and I never go over to his. He is out of town this week but needless to say I FOUND IT!!! I then turned around and traveled back where I live. I passed a beautiful field of...any guesses? I thought they were just beautiful.

I was then on down to this lounge I spotted last week. It was called the JBL music lounge. I was just going to go by and see if they were by chance open. On my way, I had to pass by the train station and I do not know about you BUT I think this is the fanciest train station sign I think I have ever seen!!

I continued on over the beautiful bridge with the boats below and low and behold Minoru (later found out his name) was standing in the door way waiting for customers. I figured this is my chance why not?! I had my phrase books and text books for learning. I had a beer (Budweiser of all kinds) and a glass of water. I studied Japanese for about an hour before I had the guts to strike up a small conversation! It was sooo rewarding!! His two daughters and wife came out to meet me. His eldest daughter, Natsumi, is 19 and is attending a university in Chiba, the prefecture just below mine. We talked for a long time before I said I needed some dinner. She and her mother, Mieko, took me (by took I mean drove) to the MARKET! WHAT?! Why are the Japanese SOOOO NICE! Come on AMERICA, pull it together! The Japanese definitely are a leg up on even us Americans. I picked up a few things while I was at the store. I bought a HUGE plate of sashimi, oishii (delicious). I tried a new fish today, cuttlefish. I am pretty sure it is now my favorite fish. It is a thicker, white fish...its fantastic! It the midst of it all, it began to rain. I stayed at the cafe until 10 pm. The rain started to slow down. They gave me plastic bags to wrap my purse. They even, get this, they even gave me a fashionable poncho! It is clear, has sleeves like a normal jacket, buttons, and has a hood!

The Japanese are amazing. I am so excited to be here even if there are earthquakes and typhoons :) More to come! My communications professor, Linda Horwitz, and her partner, Sally, are staying with me tomorrow night and Friday night! I know I will definitely have great stories to tell! Linda was one of my favorite professors at LFC and is one of the reasons I am on this program. She wrote one of my recommendations!

Until next time...I leave you with a few pictures :)

Aren't the tables cool?! They are in the shape of pianos :) oh yeah and my beer and water, blah blah.
View from my little seat.
I thought the wall paper was AWESOME! I of course had to get a silly photo! Come on! I was by myself! I had to have fun :)

My little bike after the storm in front of the cafe! Anyone that visits, we are going!!


woohaah said...

Great blog lauren!

Looks like you are having an awesome time and you haven't even started teaching yet!

Keep up the great updates.


Unknown said...

Hi Lauren,

I hadn't experienced an earthquake until we came to the Imperial Valley.

We have small ones quite regularly (e.g. Monday at Obsidian Butte) which is less than a mile from my office.

Here is a link to the USGS site.

Thanks for sharing your adventure.

Uncle Craig