Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tokyo by night :) Shibuya, Ebi-Su, and Rappongi!

It was time to meet up with John. I took the subway to the stop he was staying near. I found a little hotel just for me :) Hotel Excellent! haha! The price wasn't bad considering I checked in at 10 pm! While John and another friend Paulette went to dinner, I got ready because I was feeling gross from walking around Tokyo all day. I showered and changed into a new, fresh dress :) John and Paulette were back to get me and we were off to explore more, get drinks, and have fun!a>

John, Paulette, and I with 2 Professional Rugby players! We later saw them at the police station! yikes! Glad we didn't continue to hang out with them!! This was at the heartland beer lounge. It was a nice place! It was then more wandering around trying to find the perfect place to go!...

This was literally a hole in the wall. Charel, tall lanky guy I am grabbing on to, said that there was this place he knew about that was literally a door on a wall with no label. Sure enough, we found it! HAHA! So see this girl at the bottom right of this photo...good you located her...WOW! was she a wreck! She came stumbling into the lounge and in the end of it all PASSED OUT AT THE BAR TOP! The other people in this picture wanted to get a picture by her so we could capture this hilarious moment! We thought it was hysterical that this girl was that stupid to get THAT drunk.

Paulette and I around 4 AM with a random Spaniard :) hahaha! We were on our way to a 24/7 Chinese restaurant to get dumplings, she wanted a photo with him :) So we took one!

The view of my hotel at 5:30 am! We stayed up all night exploring :) It was time for me to get a few hours of shut eye because I had a whole new day of adventure awaiting me. I took the train to Mito for a welcome party for new JETs!

1 comment:

Eric said...

You must be having an amazing time!! Good idea, documenting it all on your blog. Keep it up!

Say hi to John, Paulette, Aki, and everyone else for me!!
I'm so jealous :( lol....