Monday, November 9, 2009

Hiroshima, Miyajima, Kobe, Nara, & Kyoto - Kansai - OH My!

Aki and I had been talking for a really long time about enjoying a drip together. We wanted to go somewhere new and exciting. Bali was #1 on our list but by the time we wanted to buy tickets it was too expensive, too far, and too everything we weren't wanting right then and there. We looked at Okinawa. Again, too expensive. It was then I decided we should make a trip over to Kansai! We made plans to visit Kobe with a side trip to Hiroshima and Miyajima =D It was at that point plans were made, a hotel was reserved, and we were on our way on September 19th to the lovely Hiroshima & Miyajima. We made plans to stay until Tuesday September 22 but my plans later changed with a return trip to Kyoto and a new trip to Nara and a new leaving date of September 23rd! It was by far one of the most enjoyable trips I've made in Japan! Well worth the visit but don't expect to come back to Kanto with money. It was quite expensive but worth every yen! Again, like my other posts, I will post pictures with captions. I want to give you details but because of time and trying to catch up I will provide photos to walk you through my adventure. It was so memorable and I simply can't wait to get back to Kansai! The food, the people, the culture, the pace of life, everything is different and has a bit of sparkle in Kansai. I love it!

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