Monday, November 9, 2009

Yokohama Oktoberfest - October 17, 2009

Yay! Oktoberfest 2009!

The weekend started at my new friend Stephanie's apartment in Hiro-o. I went down to Tokyo on Friday night and met her there. Stephanie is an ex-JET. We met at an art show last spring. We had not had the opportunity to hang out and we decided this particular weekend would be it! I left my apt. right after school and headed into town! I got there right around dinner time. I dropped my bag at her apartment and we instantly reconnected! It was a lovely night!

We were going to stay in and have a quiet night. We walked around Roppongi Hills and even played in a toy pet shop =D Literally the cutest, smallest pets you will ever see! I held a $3,000 Yorkie and Steph fell in love with a bu
ll dog :) We continued down the street convinced we knew where Gonpachi was. Gonpachi is an izakaya that we both wanted to go moment led to the next and we found ourselves meandering around Akasuka =D We landed upon all these really need streets and found an amazing Vietnamese restaurant. We split dinner and enjoyed drinks :)

We continued our walk around the city...My night ended with a sunrise =D

I slept in on Saturday morning. What I didn't mention was Steph's boyfriend had a friend from France visiting. It is not a hot french guy but rather a french (very french) girl. Stephanie currently works for a contemporary art gallery in Yokohama. She is an intern there. Saturday was our day to go and enjoy art and then head to the Oktoberfest celebration in Yokohama! So, Stephanie went on ahead and I went down with Aurelia a little bit later. We enjoyed the contemporary art presentations. Around 4:30 we left and headed to the festival. We met up with a few friends that we somehow mutually know :) Its amazing how big yet how small the Tokyo circuit actually is!

Stephanie enjoying her beer!

Me, Stephanie, & Brita @ Oktoberfest 2009!!!
All the people at the Party! So Many!!
I thought this was too cute!!
We got into the gates of Oktoberfest and found Brita and Anna with a few of their friends! It was already a "sh*t" show to say the least relatively early on! We headed for the beer tents and got our beer! I started with a de
licious Oktoberfest pilsner and an eins, zwei, drei PROST (cheers) :) Stephanie and I walked around the grounds and were talking and laughing. It is an interesting feeling never seeing foreigners but then being completely surrounded by them.

We were ready for round two and it began to rain. We were standing inside talking about how many people in this world lack common sense. We turned around and laughed at the same time because we saw these three guys behind us. One of which looked like he was lacking in the common sense department. We slyly turned around and then the three guy approached us. We were soon talking with Jordon, Josh, & Shane. All three naval officers in Yokosuka and from the continental USA! It turned into a very entertaining night full of cheers, fun, COMMON SENSE and friends!

The rain continued and so did the conversations and beer. It was one of the most fun nights of my life. Soon I found myself with Josh. Stephanie had headed back to Tokyo and Josh and I were left talking and enjoying each others company. Then after a long while of smiling, laughing, drinking, and talking...we too headed back into Tokyo. Josh didn't need to come into Tokyo but he wanted to make sure I made it back safe and sound =D
Josh and I after a long night of fun!! =D We are gettin' tired and loopy at this point! I realize this is a pretty unflattering picture of the two of us BUT it's the only one I've got from the evening!

Before we knew it the trains had closed down and we found ourselves drinking (accidentally) white hot chocolate in the Starbucks at the very busy Hachiko exit crossing in Shibuya. I wanted plain Hot Cocoa. We stayed there in Shibuya talking for what seemed hours. We stayed warm inside and then ventured outside to get some food. We walked and talked and even tried to find a karaoke bar or Internet cafe to go relax in while we waited for the trains to open. We were out of luck and found another cafe to go hang out in. We had stayed up all night talking and laughing.

At 5:30 AM the trains opened...we still had to wait a little bit more. At that point we said good-bye and had already exchanged numbers and such. I thought he would be a fun one to keep around so why not ;) With a hug and a smile we walked on opposite sides of the tracks and laughed at each other from across the
tracks while waiting for our trains. My train came first and then I rode off into the distance with a smile and a wave...

This is Josh and I at Bay's Quarter in Yokohama =D We enjoyed a Hawaiian meal over looking Yokohama! It was so much fun! =D

...we are still talking =D

I have to say Oktoberfest was completely unexpected! It was such a fun night and I am so happy that I went! I will definitely be going back next year!!

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