Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2 - Beautiful, snow flurry filled Nikko - 12.28.2008

On the train to Nikko! Aki looking adorable as always!!Kathryn and I are so happy! :) It started to snow! That made me happy! It was so cute!
Kathryn at the entrance of all of the temples. Apparently this water is very old and very pure. It kinda tasted like rust to me. Hee Hee. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to try! So here is Kathryn giving it a try!
Aki and I in front of the main temple gate leading to all the temples! We were able to see so many. The snow kept up all day. It was wonderfully beautiful! Here is the first Pagoda we approached. I thought the colors were so pretty! So Aki snapped a picture of Kathryn and I!
The famous hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil monkeys! Its so funny to know where these monkeys come from. I have known about these monkeys for so long! Its nice to finally place them!
Beautiful snow covered temple. Within a small area in Nikko, one can see many temples!
A shrine dedicated to finding your love. I of course said a little prayer for that! I want a nice guy!
A beautiful single rose blooming in the middle of winter. After spending the morning looking at temples, we enjoyed a hot ramen lunch. After we found an adorable cafe and enjoyed coffee and cake!
One of many waterfalls in Nikko! How pretty?!
Kathryn, Aki, & I on the bridge!
Famous bridge in Nikko
It was then back to Tokyo for us! For dinner and karaoke! We had a blast at karaoke! I am glad we were able to go so many times when Kathryn was here! Aki had to wake up early to go on to her family's place for New Years. Her family lives a few hours north of Tokyo. Kathryn and I were then left on our own to face a new amazing day in Japan!

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