Monday, January 19, 2009

Happiest of Holidays - CHRISTMAS in Japan! How COOL!?

Christmas in Japan!! Christmas eve 2008. Kathryn, Emily, & I decorating the tree!
Seriously, how much tackier can this tree get? We thought it was hilarious and were laughing the entire time we were decorating it!
Kathryn and Emily embracing the amazingness of the tree! This was prior to our fancy dinner we enjoyed. We decorated and relaxed a while. We then put on our fancy party outfits and went out on the town. By out on the town, I mean the fancy French restaurant right down the street from my house!
The restaurant's name is York. It is a traditional American home. It is strange that it can be found in Itako, Japan. But Whatever. We liked it. We enjoyed a 7 course meal and were completely stuffed at the very end. We enjoyed Champagne, salad, bread, sea food, fish, desert, and many delectable items! Here are Kathryn and I posing in front of the tree! This one is for mom and dad. CHEESU! - yes, the Japanese say Cheesu - hee hee!
Once we got home, we were very silly. We wrapped presents and went to sleep! Emily had to wake up very early because she was going to Disneyland for the day! Kathryn and I stayed home, enjoyed all of the Christmas claymation movies, enjoy opening presents, eating yummy food, guests, and the sun. It was a great day for us! We really enjoyed our little Japanese Christmas.
The stillness of Christmas morning felt in my apartment :) too bad it wasn't snowing! That would have been awesome!
Sissy and I enjoying "Rudolph" and eating breakfast!
Sissy's Vivienne Westwood scarf I gave her for Christmas!

My new gorgeous Burberry scarf I got from the family! Its beautiful! I received so much love from all my friends and family on Christmas! It was wonderful!!!
Some my my favorite little girls/students in the neighborhood. From left to right: Tomoka, Venetia, Haruka, & Rina. Rina is one of the girls I met my first week here in Itako. I went and played with her and some other girls at the park! It is now fun to say they are all my students!! They all attend Hinode Elementary. Venetia and Tomoka are best friends. Rina and Haruka are best friends. Rina and Tomoka are sisters! Tomoka and Venetia are in 2nd grade and Rina and Haruka are in 5th grade!
When Nobuko got home from work, Kathryn and I went over to their house to enjoy Christmas cake. The Japanese celebrate Christmas which I find somewhat hilarious considering they are not Christian?!?! Anyway, they make cakes over here. So we went and enjoyed the cake layered with whip cream and strawberries! It was really nice to see Nobuko and Venetia!
This is Nobuko slicing the cake on Christmas!
Emily came back to Itako and spent the night with us! We slept in and then went to my favorite cafe in Itako. Cafe Petite Road. It over looks the river. The sunsets here are absolutely beautiful. The food and the drinks are fantastic! I will bring you here if/when you visit me!
Later that evening we enjoyed a year end party with my teachers from Itako 2nd. I feel really special to have them because they always include me even the months when I got to Hinode. It is really nice. This is Kathryn and I at McDonald's before the party. We had some time to kill and we wanted ice cream. I cracked and had a Mcflurry! Sissy enjoying hers!
And me enjoying mine :)
At dinner with the teachers! Shota and Nesaki - sensei - my English teacher :)
Hitomi, Kathryn, & I! Fun times at Yugura!
Starting with the lady going clockwise! Tsuruga-sensei, Murakumi-sensei, Kurimata-sensei, and Kawamata-Sensei
We then finished dinner and it was time for Kathryn and I to go home and pack for TOKYO! :) We had a great time and also did a present exchange! I received a bottle of wine and Kathryn a DVD. We had a great time! More adventures coming your way!!!

1 comment:

kitty said...

Sissy seriously some of the Christmas photos are just hideous of me. Edit Edit!!!!! I love you :) Doesn't that seem like forever ago. I wish we were still together but with your new bath tub you are getting this sat! HECK YA