Friday, January 16, 2009

That's right =D Sissy came to JAPAN!!!

**SISSY CAME TO JAPAN!** In this picture we are at Hinode Elementary :) Kathryn helped me introduce ourselves and Christmas to the class. We had a blast laughing with the children at how absolutely cute they are!

These are my sanninsei - third graders - at Hinode Junior High School. Kathryn was the best! She helped me regardless of her being Jet lagged. We did Christmas lessons with them as well. We also had the class ask her questions as I introduced her to them. The kids absolutely loved her. There was a line out the teachers room door for autographs from Kathryn! It was so funny :)

This is a few of us after school! We went to dinner in Kashima and then to bowling and karaoke. From left to right: Me, Erin - ALT, Aki - English teacher, Sanae - History teacher at Hinode, and of course Kathryn! We had a lot of fun being goofy and laughing A LOT when we went bowling. Then it was off to sing Christmas songs at Karaoke!

I set the self-timer so we have a group shot. Aki had to go home because she had an early start on Saturday morning. We had a blast singing Brittany Spears, Christmas music, and trying to sing Japanese music!

This is Kathryn and I at NALU - part of the coast near me. This is a very popular hang out for surfers. We got out to walk around and enjoy the sun. Unfortunately it was a bit chilly to go swimming! :) Kathryn looking adorable (I know you hate that word) at the beach! It was then off to the aquarium! The Oarai aquarium is about an hour drive away. It was so fun! We saw a dolphin show as the sun was setting in the background through the wall of windows. The waves were crashing on the shore. It was fantastic! It was then off to see the critters!
I love this picture. It is so magical looking with all the marine life behind us.
The next day I took Kathryn to Narita temple! Narita is fast becoming one of my favorites! The Japanese architecture is fantastic. I really feel like I am in Japan here! I can't get enough of this country and its awesomeness! Its all still so new to me - that I love!
Kathryn and I were having fun modeling on the stairway of this garden in Narita!

How fantastic are we! I love my sissy! Yes, I know you are all jealous of our closeness but we can't help it!
After Narita, We went to dinner with John & Aki! It was then home for packing and sleep! It was time for Tokyo the next day! So here is Kathryn in the market place in Asakusa! It is the best place to buy cheap - probably made in China - gifts. It was freezing and rainy. Kathryn was trying to find a Kimono. So with my broken Japanese and a little help we found a store!
Here I am in front of the temple in Asakusa! Like I said it was freezing - my feet were going to fall off! Then we asked for directions after this.
Here is Kathryn with the adorable lady that helped Kathryn with her Kimono. I gave Kathryn the obe belt as a Christmas present! It looks so pretty on her! This was an excellent used Kimono shop. I will take any of you there!
After the long day out in Tokyo we were unsure if we wanted to face the rain. We were exhausted but let me tell you it was well worth going back out! We found an adorable bar/restaurant called Dazzle which we later went to for New Years - so fun! Here is Kathryn in the bar waiting for us to get seated. How chic!
This is us at our table with cocktails and dessert! It ended up being a fantastic evening in Ginza! I love getting dressed up, enjoying cocktails, and dessert!
More posts to come soon! I am off to spend the night with Aki and have dinner at an Italian restaurant! More this weekend!!! much love!

1 comment:

Ray said...

You girls look like you had so much fun!!!!I am happy that Kat got the chance to go visit you. I am supremely jealous. Miss you both. (You both look b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!)