Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 3 ~ 12.29.2008 ~ Meiji Shrine & Harajuku

Pictures of the pathway leading to Meiji Shrine. Meiji Shrine is the most famous of all the shrines in Tokyo. It is located in Yogi Park in Harajuku! It is a beautiful walk through to the shrine. Lanterns!! How beautiful?!Kathryn and I made it to the shrine's main gate! So CUTE of us KAT!
More lanterns. I think they are absolutely beautiful. I think this design is a sign of the new year. I gather this because I saw this design all over the temples and shrines.
The main gate to Meiji jingu - shrine.
After the shrine we went to comme cas cafe for lunch. We enjoyed pasta, salad, and desert! It was then off to face the famous Takeshita Dori. O.M.G. it was insane! Yes, that pathway is PACKED with people! But now we can say we have done Takeshita Dori! It is the most famous street in Harajuku. It is loaded with teeny-bopper shops and crazy costume shops!
Kathryn and I walked around Harajuku all day. We dodged in and out of many shops. It was really fun! Since I am now just blogging about this I can not remember what we did for dinner. But I do know that after dinner we went to Meguro, a stop on the JR line. Annelyse told me of this adorable London pub named the London Pub. Well, sure enough it felt like we walked out of Japan and into this little tavern. Kathryn and I enjoyed a strongbow beer, discussed new years plans, and then went home!
Kathryn enjoying her Strongbow!
Me enjoying my first ever Strongbow! It was still decorated for Christmas and the new year. It was absolutely adorable. I am looking forward to going back there one Sunday for a brunch that the owner has. Its traditional London food! Meat, veggies, potatoes, etc. So since it is winter I will go back and enjoy that soon!

1 comment:

kitty said...

Sissy did we take a picture of the cute cafe we went too that day? Harajuku is such a fun and crazy place. Take a look at the street with the sea of black hair. Wow sissy you have a lot of photos to post. We did a lot. Go team. Also you should send you blog link to people we met on my trip.